• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 08 Jun 2007
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Civilization Death

What if there was a world war today? With the technology that we have and the weapons and systems we have today, would all we have to do is push a button? And would our elected president declare such devistation to this planet? If this happened, there would be Civization Death everywhere on the planet and cultures of every race of people would be completely and utterly wiped from the face of this planet. A planet where people are supposed to leave in peace and harmony among others. I don't know about the state of the economy in detail that we are in today, where we are paying more than three dollars for a gallon of gasoline for our motor vehicles, or even more than three dollars for a gallon of milk but I'm glad that a button of Civilization Death has not been thought of being used. Then again, I don't work for the government so who Really knows whats happenning... .....as usual, just my thoughts. .....~Johnny M. *GO CHECK OUT MY NEW ARTWORK AND MY COOL ANIMATIONS! *ARTIMATIONS.COM - ENJOY MY 2X AWARD WINNING WEBSITE! -Check out Artimations.com: http://www.artimations.com/ *Check it out, don't check it out.....but check it out~ J.M.Piper © 2003 - 2007, Artimations.com All Rights Reserved

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Karen Helsing 28 Apr 2011

How true!

Artist Reply: *I swore to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth...and I don't need a bible to put a hand on and raise my other one to do that..a ritual to a degree is just another way of wasting time...just do it...nike has it right! Thanks Karen!

Jerry Lee Cline 06 Dec 2009

Great work....

Artist Reply: Hey thanks Jerry! More works will start to be uploaded soon...keep a weather eye on the horizon! Happy Holidays!

epsylon lyrae 24 Aug 2007

Great picture indeed!!

Artist Reply: *Hey Epsylon! Thanks so much! I appreciate your comment!

Paul Pannell 13 Jul 2007

Stunning and very insping. Awesome work dude.

Artist Reply: *Hey there again Paul! Wow I can't thank you enough for the great things your wrote about my works! I greatly appreciate that!

Michael Goddard 09 Jun 2007

great and mysterious as always.....

Artist Reply: *Hi there Michael! Thank you my friend! I appreciate that! Take it easy, good to hear from you!