• Carliss Mora
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  • Added 14 Feb 2007
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Clay Aiken Fans Happy Valentine's Day

Tonight Clay Aiken will be on The Jimmy Kimmel Show, so here is a Valentine for his fans, and any AW members who welcome it too!


Anonymous Guest

karen bellows 19 Feb 2007

Aww....Happy Valentines Day to you too! And lips and eyes make a great collage!!

Artist Reply: Sorry you're just now seeing it! But, thanks so much, and thank you for the valentine card as well!!!

William Boyer 18 Feb 2007

nice going

Artist Reply: He,he! Thanks, William!

Olga van Dijk 16 Feb 2007

what a nice collage!!--

Artist Reply: Olga, thanks for reminding me that I have done a collage! I had not considered that, that is what it actually is. My previous collages, did not bring in good grades for me in school, so I guess free expresssion, not knowing exactly what you are creating, can accidentally, be a lucky charm.

Ralph Miller 15 Feb 2007

Excellent job!

Artist Reply: Sir Ralph, thank you!

Francis Rivera 15 Feb 2007

This is very beautiful! Lovely collage! ^_^

Artist Reply: Hey there, Francis! Glad you liked it, and thank you, lots!!!

Anonymous Guest 15 Feb 2007

Very nice Valentine for us Clay fans. I like it and enjoyed him on the Kimmel Show. Thank You, Jackie

Artist Reply: Jackie, you are so welcome! Thank you very much, and now I have new pictures to draw!

Penny Myers 15 Feb 2007

Very nice Carliss as always. Now add this to our February Member Challenge.. Pleasssse.

Artist Reply: I added, my friend, Penny. Thank you for asking me to do it!

monique cooper 15 Feb 2007

Oh i do love this!!!.. Very unique!!

Artist Reply: Monique, I didn't know what I was going to do until I did it, so thank you for that comment on my spontaneous valentine!

Tom and Susan Repasky 15 Feb 2007

This is such a wonderful Valentines greeting Carliss! I love the way that you have composed it, with a compilation of some of your great works!! Excellent job on the gradation, this is a stunning presentation!! ~S

Artist Reply: Sus, I really do like your comments! Thanks so much for the compliments!

Lawrence Hickman 15 Feb 2007

great work very entergetic and brilliant

Artist Reply: Wow! Lawrence, so happy you felt like commenting on this render. It took me a while to compose. Thanks!

Ruth Kauffman 15 Feb 2007

Super work, Carliss!!

Artist Reply: Ruth, so glad you like it! Thanks!

Janet Gioffre Harrington 15 Feb 2007

Wow, he has a purdy mouth...This is an excellent composition and collage for the occassion, Carliss!

Artist Reply: Hope you had a loverly Valentine's Day, Janet! His lips appear quite succluent. And, they are nice to draw.

Emily Reed 15 Feb 2007


Artist Reply: It did take time! thanks so much for seeing that is was a unique labor of love, Emily!

Joke Schotting 15 Feb 2007


Artist Reply: Why, thanks again, Joke!!!

cynthia berridge 15 Feb 2007

so very creative work for all his fans

thea walstra 15 Feb 2007

Great thought and work

Artist Reply: Thank you for your very appreciated comment on my work, Thea!

Nelly van Nieuwenhuijzen 15 Feb 2007


Artist Reply: Ha,, ha! Thanks, Nelly!!!