• Michelle U.
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  • Added 01 Jun 2006
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Of the Seas

There is a great spirit of the seas. Volitile, unsteady, hateful. It is said that thsoe who dare tame this spirt well be punished. Many moons back a man Tesra dared to tame this great spirit. He used all means nessicary. He was strong willed, young and in his prime. And when he dared go after the spirit, he was swatted away like a fly. But, he continued at the spirit daring to fling his mighty sword at it, but all his efforts where in vain, the spirit of the seas dodged it with such ease and manuverability. Young Tesra yelled, his anger booming with every time he was swated away like nothing, and with a powerful burst of energy, he managed to stab the spirit through with his great sword. "YOU FOOL!" the Spirit hissed. What would be called it blood spilled from the wound. The great spirit seemed to be unphased as the sword was thrown into the waves. In a rush the spirit grabbed the boy in his hand, "For daring to tame me, you shall be cursed for eternity. You will become a creature that is hated by all sea dwellers" The spirt laughed and then chucked the boy into the waters. He landed with a splash, and he began to sink. The world around him darkening, he was struggling to breath, he squirmed around the air escaping from his lungs. He twirled around, trying to breath but then. All that pain disapeered, he no longer felt the cold waters but felt comfortable amoungst the waves. He opened his eyes then, to look about his body to see that his shape has changed. He had some purple tinted aromor on his body, his hands, only three fingers, and a long tail! He looked around him in a panic to see small ghostly looking creatures, called sand vermin, swiming around him, eyeing him, whisfully swaying amoungst his fins. "This is what the spirit must have meant" he said to himself, his body shaking. He looked up the, sun was shinging again. He turned around, gritted his teeth, swimming down into the debths only rarely to be seen by the eyes of man again. ----- I had tomake a sotry for htis guy..I couldn't help it...as cheesy at it is. The image was made with Photoshop cha..i'm not exactly sure how long it took me though XD;;;

5 of 6 Comments Show All 6 Comments

Anonymous Guest

Lacy Chenault 02 Jun 2006

Very Cool!

thea walstra 01 Jun 2006

Stunning and awesome work

Keyon Jones 01 Jun 2006


C DeMaio 01 Jun 2006

Beautiful composition and colours!!! Excellent Work!!!!

Larissa Ferreira 01 Jun 2006

Very cool! Sorry but I didn't have patience to read all your story. ¬¬