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21 Jun, 2024

Summer is finally here. Warm weather is welcome. The liberals and demoncrats are insane and I await witnessing Justice, Honesty, and Truth returning to America and their deaths being poured upon their evil selves. Africa is calling again ... perhaps next year. I am too old for the plane rides but perhaps I shall force my self. BB, the hospital therapy dog, is helping more and more patients. Making rounds with her is quite emotional in a most positive and helpful way .... MARANATHA ! Carly Jo is becoming the Professional Photographer she is destined to be and yesterday began teaching :)


15 Apr, 2024

all birds are nesting and they are so active and fun......


27 Mar, 2024

this has been an odd winter. spring is here with frequent snow squalls followed by warmth and melting snow. The Eagles, and other raptors are on the nest. as soon as the young hatch, the fun witl begin. within 2 miles of home a Prong Horn doe is about to deliver her baby, soon baby deer, elk, moose, everything will arrive . God is so good to allow me to be here ....


03 Oct, 2023

in two days we launch to the Okavango of the wildest wildernesses on earth for almost a month :)


28 May, 2023

Art Book Thank you for making this possible. The ease at which it can be excepted is nothing short of amazing !!!

Thank you Art Wanted; Art Slam !!!


13 Apr, 2023

Winter is finally coming to an end. This has been a l o n g one. Ospreys, Herons, Robins, Black Birds are arriving every day aline with the Sand Hill Cranes....and yes the bears are awakening


15 Sep, 2022

October 2 I leave for 3 weeks in Africa I am beginning to feel excited I hope I shall be able to update from there; however, I shall be literally "in the middle of nowhere" so I doubt it after spending 4 to 5 days a week for almost 3 years teaching and shooting with Carly {Car Moo}, I suspect I shall experience "withdrawal" being by myself. :)


22 Jan, 2022

January 21, 2022 ~ above freezing during the day and single digits at night = ice very little moving


21 Jan, 2022

January 21, 2022 ~ above freezing during the day and single digits at night = ice very little moving


30 Oct, 2021

All of the large animals are heading up and going into rut......winter is coming quickly .....every season of Montana is a unique experience :)
