





My portfolio includes photographs, original abstract acrylic paintings as well as original mixed media paintings. If my work is inspired by another painter, I will describe this in the work whether in the title itself or in the actual description of the painting. Any similar features to another painter and their work that is not mentioned in this manner indicates coincidental similarities and should be viewed as such. There is a connected consciousness and we all have access to this. The paintings I make have acrylic paint as the base and I often use gloss medium. modeling paste and modeling gel to create variations, ridges or levels on the surface of the painting. Layers of paint on paint are also used to create these textured levels or ridges that rise above the surface of the canvas.. The mixed media works that I create include materials such as beads, paper, sand and metallic acrylic ink. Paintings are varnished to protect and seal the work.when they are complete and have fully dried. The paintings come with a wire backing so that no framing is required and the paintings are ready to hang with ease on arrival.

3 Images for winter