47 Comments (Page 2)

ArtWanted.com Staff 20 Mar 2012

Any image can be watermarked, just select the watermark option when posting new images.

If you choose the "Custom Text" watermark option, then you can type in whatever text you want to appear on the image watermark.

Also, just to clarify, you can now add a watermark for any existing image in your portfolio.

John Robi 21 Mar 2012

I think the new Water Mark feature is great. However when I go into edit image is does not allow me to change or remove the water mark. I hope I haven't rehashed an old thread?

Cheers, Robi

Dee Van Houten 21 Mar 2012

I just tried the watermark feature on one of my works but I don't like where I put it (center) and there is no way to change it. Could you please add a way to change the watermark if we want to or to also not have one after we already chose one and saved it. I was just trying it to see what it looked like in the center but did not like it there and would like to change it. Thanks, Dee

ArtWanted.com Staff 21 Mar 2012

Thanks for the suggestions Robi & Dee. We will be making future updates to the watermark features in the near future and will build in these requests.

For now, you can use the EDIT IMAGE page to re-upload and replace the watermarked image with the original image from your computer. You can then try and put the watermark in a different position or change the style.

Tanna Lee Wells 23 Mar 2012


Tanna Lee Wells 23 Mar 2012

I can't change where the watermark was placed. I didn't pick a place because i didn't know where I wanted it

ArtWanted.com Staff 24 Mar 2012

Tanna - For now, you can use the EDIT IMAGE page to re-upload and replace the watermarked image with the original image from your computer. You can then try and put the watermark in a different position or change the style. We will soon have the ability to change the watermark location or remove it without re-uploading.

Jo Yar 25 Mar 2012

I would like to make a smaller watermark. How to do that? Thank you.

Debi Melkonian 25 Mar 2012

Can someone help me learn how to get rid of the water mark without having to total re upload the image?

Thank you Debi

ArtWanted.com Staff 26 Mar 2012

At this time, it's not possible to remove or resize the watermarks without re-uploading a new image. We are working on this request and will have it available soon.

3jt Lawson 30 Mar 2012

Easily repositioning the watermark was my concern, as well, and then in tandem with Carol Lozito's request, if possible, it would be nice to be able to customize them.

Thank you for looking out.

ArtWanted.com Staff 12 Apr 2012

Good news! We have just added a new feature to the watermarks, so you can now change the watermark image, reposition the watermark or completely remove the watermark from your images.

NOTE: These new features are only available for NEW images that are uploaded and watermarked from 4/12/12 going forward.

Sue Reboucas 12 Apr 2012

how can i change the watermark position? sometimes is ok, but depending of the pictures i would have to adjust or use a smaller on and I don't see this at "Edit Image"

ArtWanted.com Staff 12 Apr 2012

Sue - You will only be able to change the position of the watermarks on images that were uploaded today going forward. This feature does not work on older images, as we didn't save the original image without the watermark.

If you upload new images, and watermark them, you will be able to reposition the watermark from the EDIT IMAGE page by choosing different values in the drop down menus for watermarks.

Barry Wald 20 May 2012

On one of my drawings I have the copyright icon but even though it's semi-transparent, it is located right in the center of the drawing. I find this to be a distraction. I would prefer if it were smaller and located on the bottom of the image. Is it possible to change this without having to delete the drawing and re-posting it?

ArtWanted.com Staff 22 May 2012

If you have posted your image within the last month, you will have the ability to move or remove the watermark from the Edit Image page.

If you don't see this option, then you would just need to post a replacement image, but will not need to redo all of the image information.

Candy Prather 10 Jun 2012

I really like the opportunity of adding the watermarks and am using that option. When I first started, though, I used one version and later changed to another version that I like better. Would it be possible for you to provide a way for us to change a version, in the case that we might like one better than the one we might have posted initially?

ArtWanted.com Staff 20 Jun 2012

We do now allow you to change/remove the watermark on your images, as long as the watermark was added within the last few months. If the watermark was added when we first came out with this feature, then you will need to upload a replacement image to allow the watermark to be changed.

steve kearney 16 Jul 2012

It seems that some people, myself included, would like to have the watermark to deter people from downloading/printing the image, but are reluctant to do so because the watermark ruins the pleasure of viewing the image at a decent size in our gallery/portfolio--when the watermark is centered.

And when the watermark is tiny and in a corner, the deterrence is weak because they can just crop it out.

So we're wondering if it's technologically possible to have the watermark present if the image is dowloaded/printed but not visible in our galleries.

True, a determined thief could always just photograph the computer screen--but the quality wouldn't be as good.

ArtWanted.com Staff 17 Jul 2012

Steve - There are invisible watermarks that are hard for the human eye to see, but contain information about the image or artist embedded into them. However, these do nothing to prevent people from downloading the image and then printing or even re-selling the image. The visible watermark is the best way to reduce image theft, but it does come with the price of taking away from the great art that you have.

We are not aware of a watermark technology that would be invisible sometimes and then show up if the image is downloaded/printed.

Another option would be to watermark you own images before they are uploaded and reduce the opacity even more to provide your personal preference of watermark visibility.