Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Lindsey E. Bates,Miro Gradinscak,Liz Jennings

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
27 May, 2017
  • Staff

THEME: Snakes & Reptiles

DESCRIPTION: The topic for this art contest is SNAKES & REPTILES. Submit your creepy crawly artwork of snakes, lizards, alligators, geckos, turtles, iguanas or any other reptile. The reptile must be a main feature of your artwork to be entered into this contest. Let’s see those scales!

ENTRY DEADLINE: : 18-Jun-2017
VOTING STARTS:: 19-Jun-2017

PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Only artwork can be submitted for this contest, no photographs please.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


26 Contest Entries

Lindsey E. Bates 30 May 2017

Guardian is a reflection from my desire to create an original detailed dragon. I was pleased to find in my research of this beautiful creature that dragons are apart of mythology in all cultures. So this is my rendition of what a dragon would look like in the West African culture.

Miro Gradinscak 28 May 2017

Drawing - Graphite pencils on paper

Liz Jennings 30 May 2017

Hi - This is my entry for the Snakes and Reptiles competition. It is a Gecko made of wire and paper mache. He is quite a big one and lives on the wall of my balcony - hope you like him.

Daniel Mooney 06 Jun 2017

The Original. The caption says it all.

~Katie~ . 11 Jun 2017

Green Lizard

A4 coloured pencil

Rex Woodmore 28 May 2017

Please accept my submission for the contest 'Snakes & Reptiles':

'Crocodile Country' Painting by Rex Woodmore. A crocodile leaps through the water lilies at a Cockatoo in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. Interactive acrylic & gloss on canvas. 29x31cm.

‘God’s Creation,my inspiration. He put the Art in my HeArt’

Louk Weyers 28 May 2017

Reptile contest: Garden Sculpture Lizard, made with Resin, acrylics, sealer and varnish. Dim. 2?H x 10?L x 6?W

Yury Yanin 31 May 2017

Barbara Haviland 30 May 2017

This painting of an alligator was painted in oils on a 12"x9" canvas, His Name is Big Al and he lives at Gator Country in Beaumont, Texas

Stefani Wehner 05 Jun 2017

my digital-painting "rainbow colored snake" made with ARTRAGE Studio and Coral Paint shop Pro.

Maggie Welker 28 May 2017

Hi I would love to Join your Reptile contest, here is one of latest paintings, it an 8x10 on stretched canvas with acrylics.

woody welch 30 May 2017


Michelle Collins 12 Jun 2017

Gecko "16"x20" acrylic on canvas with a thick shiny texture.

L Anderson 30 May 2017

Illustration of local Southern California snake, Color pencil/mixed media on illustration board, 7.75 x 9 in., 1983

William Bonilla 30 May 2017

Green snakes

Sue Johnson 08 Jun 2017

Here is my entry for the Snakes and Reptiles contest. This is done in acrylic.

Schuyler Rideout 28 May 2017

Stylish snakes loving faux skinned boots!

Rick Gallego 28 May 2017

So, a pet owner is showing an iguana to a potential customer, but the iguana is listless, just laying down, motionless, the pet owner tells the customer "Gee, I hope it's not a reptile dysfunction"

Natalie Eckman 31 May 2017

Not my apple.

kiddolucas lee 01 Jun 2017

* Trillion Dreams of Coldblood Kingfire * 2017 june * Acrylic with minimum digital retouched

More contest entries on the next page...