373 Comments (Page 2)

RQ Trietsch 12 Apr 2006

# 1

Whatever happened to being mature.

But if it's harassing one is doing, then a warning shot over the bow before banning.

jessica torrant 12 Apr 2006


Pat Abbott 12 Apr 2006

Definitely number ONE.

Megan Seitz 12 Apr 2006

#1 for sure!

Kelly Smith 12 Apr 2006

Forums are for discussion. However, it does seem that these "discussions" turn into flame wars quite often. Insults and personal attacks have no place in a public art community forum. If you have personal issues with someone, take it to email. Don't subject everyone else to childish, negative behavior. Any public forum needs some sort of moderating; otherwise it risks turning into a breeding ground for hatefulness and negativity that nobody wants to visit.It only takes a few bad apples to spoil the basket.I do feel that obvious troublemakers should be warned and then banned if they don't change their ways. It's not right to let a few people ruin the forum for everyone.

invisible 12 Apr 2006

i choose number 7........................ here's the 'thing', ...some see me as a troublemaker, and others just find me amusing...... what to do ArtWanted?, ...what to do?

Bob MacPherson 12 Apr 2006

(2) I think the question is being misread by many. Of course I expect to be attacked for my oppinion, and for choosing #2.

James Rownd 12 Apr 2006

good move AW insult the intelligence of your members.

Jessica Morgan 12 Apr 2006

I know this discussion will go both ways. you're going to hit a 50/50. Personally, wether people here agree with it or not, there is no thin skin. There are smart people who avoid the ignorant posts. My deffinition of trouble maker? The people who look for conflict in every post because they've got nothing better to do.You know who you are.Bring up the freedom of speech all you want, I'm pretty clear on that being an American all my life. But there is a fine line between freedom of speech and respect for your fellows...( you can't continuously insult, berate and harass..that would be called HARASSMENT)there are some that can NEVER say "so we can agree to disagree,lets move on." Nope. They wait for the next thing to come along, being bored from the lack of response to their previous tirade. The truth hurts, these people know they do it. If they spent as much time creating art as they do running thier mouths, wouldn't we have a much improved site? Public image..my thoughts exactly. A potential client do you think will not see these boards? Do you think it is good for your artist reputation? Not exactly a pretty picture for new members to see either. If you can't see the difference between a trouble maker and an person stating an honest opinion, hmm...you might be the trouble maker.?? Make any sense? You rant of freedom of speech. But you expect people who don't agree with you to shut up. Thats never going to happen now is it? If I acted like half the people here at these boards I'd EXPECT to be banned and know my parents didn't raise me with one ounce of respect or intelligence. So, that being said, option two. If you can't express an opinion in a mature respectful manner, agree to disagree and SHOW it later on without immature grudges, you deserve to be banned.

James McPartlin 12 Apr 2006

Oh I forgot to add my vote for No1.

I enjoy a good debate and constructive argument, I believe it is healthy...and I believe it can be achieved without insults and childish behaviour!


Lisa Eshkenazi 12 Apr 2006

I once posted a 'survivor's guide to the forums' which was more of a joke than anything but I think also had some valid points.

One was striking the difference between a 'bully' (read 'trouble maker') and a 'jerk.' I think a 'trouble maker' or 'bully' is the type that goads people, trolls the forums, emails, harrasses, insults, flames, until they get a respose. They don't just leave you alone, they keep at it until they have you upset. I really think we have only a few such people here. Those people *should* be banned. But harrassment is not the same as disagreeing. Sorry. If I say "I think you're wrong"--even if I say it rudely, that's still not harrassment. Harrassment would be insulting your every post, trolling your portfolio, emailing you, etc.

Then you have the jerks. They're just rude, tactless and genuinely stupid (Okay, some of them are quite intelligent but they're still jerks). They don't really care if they get a reaction from you, they're just stating their opinion. I don't think there are really *that* many jerks here either. There are some people who are quite abrasive but I've seen those same people be quite compassionate and considerate to others.

I really don't think you should ban someone for being a jerk. Everyone has days when they're a jerk (some have more than others but that's beside the point).

If it wasn't for all these members who take one look at some harsh comment someone makes and immediate start screaming "ZOMG!!1!! U HAFF INSLUTED ME!!!!!11! i go jump off cliff now!!!!" I think there would be less drama. I don't blame the jerks. I blame the people who can't shrug it off. I know that not everyone has a thick skin. But everyone who frequents the boards *knows* the people who rub them the wrong way. The simple solution is to avoid/ignore that person.

And if someone online, that you don't really know outside of AW, that you will never meet in person, that for all you know could be a ten year old kid can get you *that* upset, you really shouldn't be on the internet anyway. It's that simple.

But as for the people who are harping after the same subject over and over again, 'respectfully' suggesting that AW change their rules because we all know those people r Teh Speshal and the rules should be changed *just* for them. Yeah. I think they should move on. But I don't think they should be banned.

Wendy Bandurski-Miller 12 Apr 2006

oh AW.......btw......what did the comment.." .......moral of the site ....." mean?????




just thought I would ask for clarification ...... :)

It could have a different meaning depending on the way it was intended...thought you might have meant MORALE..........(well I HOPE)!!!

Mandy Roberts 12 Apr 2006

I don't think the AW staff are going to simply label every little person a troublemaker according to one or two little posts. It sounds like if they have repeated evidence of stuff, repeated observations and whatnot, they want to take some sort of action. Having moderated a very active community in the past, I know what it's like to have that small group of people who repeatedly make other members feel terrible because of their disrespect and the way they like to stir up drama. I know what it's like to be helpless as good contributing members leave due to this small group of people and being unable to do anything because technically they've broken no rules.

Yes, we have freedom of speech, but we should all have been taught to be able to disagree and share opinions respectfully and I think that's something that's been lost all over the place. People say what they think without a care to how they're phrasing it and who they're insulting in the process.

I don't know about immediate banning, but perhaps warnings or moderating of posts or something. When you want to maintain the harmony in a place and make it an enjoyable place to be, sometimes you have to do something. Not take away people's rights to speak necessarily or water down any of the discussions here. But perhaps get people to think about how they were wording things before they hit that "submit reply" button.

So, as unpopular as it might be, I have to lean toward #2. But I don't mind voting for the unpopular opinion...heh heh. I'm used to that!

Wendy Bandurski-Miller 12 Apr 2006

WHO are YOU Mandy........

0 PORTFOLIO IMAGES???????? your official website takes me to a SCOTT ROBERTS site who is a music teacher??? just curious?? :)

Mandy Roberts 12 Apr 2006

I'm an artist here - I had 2 other images, just uploaded another this morning. Can't find the first 2, so I'm reuploading them now. :)

Click on the piano and you find my site - we're linked on the same page.

Lisa Eshkenazi 12 Apr 2006

Wendy, I have the utmost respect for you and have never had a problem with you ever. But honestly, that's the kind of thing that frustrates people.

Why just because Mandy has no images, do we have to insinuate that someone is using a false identity. All this conspiracy crap is wearing thin for a lot of us. Maybe "Mandy" is a false identity. Maybe someone isn't interested in being flamed for their opinion (though honestly in comparison the other communities I post, the 'flames' here are really quite tame). Maybe they didn't feel like sharing their identity. Who cares?

That doesn't make their opinion invalid (it might make them a coward but cowards have opinions too). What's the point of bringing it up? Why say it in that manner? Why bother? Who cares?

Regardless of your reasoning, it *looks* like you're just trying to stir something up. That's the sort of thing that leads some to call others 'trouble makers.'

P.S. I don't think you're a trouble maker. I'm just saying...

Mandy Roberts 12 Apr 2006

I'm certainly not a false identity. I guess I had cleaned out my gallery last month and had forgotten about doing so. I've not been a member of the site long (a few months), but have browsed the forums frequently and have observed some really great things and some really tense things. Maybe I should have just kept my opinion to myself, having not been as active as many of you. I think I'll just stick to the artwork... *bows out*

Wendy Bandurski-Miller 12 Apr 2006

Hey Mandy your images have shown up now......but I got the comment I left back in my inbox as UNDELIVERABLE.......so you may want to check your email link there...... :)

Lisa new active members are not so common or forthcoming so it is not unusual for me to check out their portfolios... I found a lot of great artists that way...... and there has been MANY MANY fake identities and SPAMMERS.......just wanted to know if it was a REAL MEMBER........

and hey what can i say.i talk different cause i AM DIFFERENT......

personally I think its a GOOD THING.....


Jessica Morgan 12 Apr 2006

Agreeing with Lisa. So, Wendy, you have to be a member to comment on a public forum now too? Ahhh...but freedom of speech..