12 April, 2006
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

ArtWanted.com Trouble-Makers

In the last little while, we have been e-mailed by members asking us to delete their accounts, because they do not like the attitudes and comments made by certain members on the message boards. Many members have been offended by certain posts, personally attacked for their opinions and others simply don't like the attitudes of these 'trouble-makers' that hang out on the boards. This small group of people always seem to have something to complain about or feel the need to rip on others opinions on various topics.

We have e-mails every day from members asking for us to 'take action' and do something about this small band of trouble-makers on the message boards that seem determined to bring the moral of the site down at every chance they can get.

We don't like what is happening and we want to get the opinions of all our members that hang out in the message boards. This is YOUR community and YOU should decide what should happen to these 'trouble-makers' on our site. Our question to everyone is this...

What should be done about these type of members?

We feel that we have two options:

1) Continue to run things as they have been and allow these type of posts to continue, as long as the rules are not broken.

2) Start banning members from the message boards, if we determine that they fit into the trouble-maker profile.

(We welcome other suggestions anyone has as well.)

We want our members to enjoy coming to our message boards and to feel that they can speak their mind, without being attacked by others for their opinion. Please tell us what you think we should do about this growing problem. Thanks!



Pete Miller 12 Apr 2006

1) Continue to run things as they have been and allow these type of posts to continue, as long as the rules are not broken.

In my opinion the people who constantly complain are just as bad as the "trouble makers" and while a select few may see someone as a "trouble maker" others may not, just because some thin skinned member doesnt like what someone says doesnt make them a a candidate for deletion in my book,and if there are no rules broken it would seem you have no basis....

Face facts, you arent going to be able to please everyone all the time, and in my opinion, if you try by deleting everyone who upsets "the select few" you will lose more than a few members...

And honestly if you cave to the complainers, and the members get deleted for no other reason and they have respected your rules....delete mine while you are at it ....

because that would just be wrong.....

Rita Ria 12 Apr 2006

I am a member of another community, and think they found a nice way to solve this problem.

Members of the community were choicen to be "Moderators". If they found "trouble makers" or just "spam" or insulting posts, then first they ask them to stop this - and if not, they just delete the "answer" - of course spam is deleted immediately

Linda Nelson 12 Apr 2006

I wouldn't let someone bring the morale of the site down at every chance they get, if I knew for a fact they were doing that. I'd have to make sure I wasn't just reacting to negative or upset messages that were exceptions not the norm.

So, that's a 2.

Cristina Marsi 12 Apr 2006

I totally agree with Pete... no use to repeat same concept with different words... so my vote is for 1)

Ruth Tyson 12 Apr 2006

I think option 1.

Although some people may have upset others with thier comments I think it would be very difficult to brand them as 'trouble makers' as on other occasions they have been very helpfull and dished out some excellent advice, therefore banning people would be counter productive.

James McPartlin 12 Apr 2006

"Trouble Makers"? are you referring to the customers like me, who are only asking and suggesting quite civilly for a new category to show their artwork which may contain some adult images?

If so?

You are asking what to do about them?

How about listening to their suggestions and coming to a solution that suits both them and you.


eileen martin 12 Apr 2006

'it takes two to tango', if 'trouble makers' are reacted to, and everybody jumps on the bandwagon, then thats where trouble begins. it is very easy to avoid conflict on this message board , if you choose to.

Vivian Allen 12 Apr 2006

Number 1.

Debbie Gray 12 Apr 2006

Why are the complainer's not the troublemakers?

If you post a statement to "speak your mind", don't others have the right to reply to that statement and "speak their mind"? I think the problem seems to be that some maybe don't hear what they want to hear about their posts. Everyone has their own opinion, and if you don't want different views, why post on a message board? I don't think anyone should be mean or disrespectful to someone else, but sometimes a "different opinion" could come across as "mean", if the individual posting is expecting a different reaction. The old saying "if you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen" comes to mind. If you want a reaction, then post something. If you just expect everyone to agree with you, and think your way, then don't post because that will NOT happen! There are people here from all over the world, or walks of life, totally different mind-sets, and most will have a different take on things you may post.

I don't believe you have to be mean to get your point across, but I also don't think things should change. You shouldn't think people are trouble makers if they don't agree on something you post.

There is a thing called Freedom of Speech, and that goes for the original poster, as well as the "so called" troublemakers. Thanks. :0)

Linda Eades Blackburn 12 Apr 2006

Number 1

joan warburton 12 Apr 2006

Number 1

I agree with Debbie. People have different ways of expressing themselves and some people are very reactionary and passionate over certain subjects.

Problem is that it only takes one statement that someone considers an overreaction or in some cases mean, and the attacks start. Some people don't like to be disagreed with, also. Well, it's a "discussion" board and that's the nature of it.

I used to "shout" back but realized that I was part of the problem and not the solution.

Armando Salas 12 Apr 2006

Who determines WHO is a "trouble maker"? Which is the meaning of "trouble maker"? If a person INSULTS sistematically another members, this person must be previously informed, and then, banned. But if a person uses his/her right for free speech, with respect, we are talking about a DEBATE not a TROUBLE. Perhaps the person who search for trouble makers could become a trouble maker too.

Brigitte Hintner 12 Apr 2006

Hi to all,

I absolutely agree with Debbi - very good words ! Number 1 !

"IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO " ...........................:)

Patrick Miller 12 Apr 2006

I think they should be identified and a registration number tattooed on their forearm, for future processing. Those people are all the same...it won't be long before they're causing mayhem again. Eliminate them!

Patrick Miller 12 Apr 2006

I think just the way the message was written already speaks volumes as to how it will be handled. AW sounds like the idiot president when he talks about "evil doers". Trouble makers is already used in a negative context with no idea of a definition.

Anyone who doesn't have the maraca's to just post and speak their mind has issues. If you don't like this post, get your azz in here and post that. If you are afraid to post, then that means you are not active on the boards and don't need to be crying to the teacher because you feel slighted. Grow up.

Oh yeah.....number 1....

david bass 12 Apr 2006


Katerina Koukiotis 12 Apr 2006

Being recently a victim of personal attacks in the forums and having adult artists act like 5 years olds i pick option #2!! BAN THEM PLEASE.

Sometimes it doesnt take 2 to tango it only takes 1 if that is what they are going after i say please start banning them , they do break the rules once they start intruding and attacking people on purpose,they are many artists here including myself and many other good talented people with positive attitudes who are here to share our art,make friends,promote ,sell and so on and then there are those who get their little kicks by intruding ,making trouble, putting people down and their art to make themselves feel better, sorry if my selection sounds a bit harsh but these people deserve it.They should know better, they are doing it on purpose for those who don't want to admit it or see it i feel sorry for them.

As an artist and a person i should have the freedom to express my opinions and ART without having inmature jealous people attacking me.I know many good talented artists and friends of mine who have removed their galleries due to these 'group' of people who go into an attacking mode.

In my opinion Anyone supporting to have things as it is likes that and wants that kind of attitude and comments to continue to get their little "kicks" and i don't.

They are ruining and brining down AW's reputation and that is something that shouldn't happen

Thank you and i hope you consider my plea.

Barbara Kaplowitz 12 Apr 2006

I couldn't agree with Patrick more... When did AW become the microcosm of our current government? What's up with the Bill of Rights nowadays? If members are upset because they disagree with certain comments, and want to delete their accounts, then I say let them.

You con't make 5,000+ people (artists nonetheless...) FULLY agree on something. If art is relative, then I'd assume everyone's opinion on this matter is too...

david bass 12 Apr 2006

and other artist have those same rights. what determines a trouble maker and how do you distinguish between TM and TS(thin skinned). perspective is key. some may view those complaining as trouble makers. what if one day you "express my(your) opinions and ART " and others take offense to your expressions and complain, just like that you're banned.

if this site only posted sugar coated topics with no "meat" we'd all have major tooth decay. just an opinion

Wendy Bandurski-Miller 12 Apr 2006

FREE SPEECH is just that.......FREE...

these ARE discussion boards are they not???

determining WHO IS the troublemakers here is a tough call......I think it could be EASY to FIT the PROFILE..............I like DISCUSSION.......and participation......does that make me a trouble - maker??? some would say YES.....



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