05 February, 2005


Well well so the axe has fallen on someone else dont say I did not tell you so and I am really saddened to see this

And why has this happened because there is nothing in place to stop this sort of disgusting filth from happening to any artist on this site

It is far too easy for some one who has a beef or gripe against some one to sign on and have second or third accounts to cover there tracks

the rules should be in place if you hit the one to five button you are locked out and put in the hands of the moderator for a please explain

Before any off you get off your horses and start flogging me to death I am for the ratings I want mine back on but not prepared for the sort of rubbish I am witnessing here today how some one just signs up and then systematically goes and destroys some ones work is beyond comprehension

This is one thing no one can hide its out in the open we see the remarks made so its no good just saying remove them from your portfolio

it should have never been allowed to get this far perhaps if there was a certain words lock out it may not have been able to go to the site for all to see who knows certainly not me



ArtWanted.com Staff 05 Feb 2005

You have good points Stan and ideas that we would like to work towards. If only we had unlimited time & money to carry out all of the great suggestions and ideas that we have for the site. They will get done, but just not as fast as we would all like them to.

Mark Peterson 05 Feb 2005

Excellent points and suggestion Stan. I agree 100%. Witnessing this behavior take place seems to be happening more and more and it's quite disturbing to witness the actions of these individuals and not be able to stop it.

stan jones 05 Feb 2005

Thank you Staff and Mark

seems like the last time i bought this point up i was chased out of the building on fire on one of shers threads was told it could not work because we need the 1 to 5 rate on the system if it is to be there then it should be controlled by the staff not us

PS i have always stood behind the freedom of choice pay or not pay but after today i feel what should really happen is your credit card details taken from you not to be used if you want a free account but away of combating the multiple accounts one can generate plus the legality of honest e-mail address not a hot mail or yahoo account but a home account that you have on your ISP

dont worry getting ready for the flack on this one

sher richardson 05 Feb 2005

Hello Stan...

The actions you saw last night (which i did not, thankgoodness) have been occuring since the ratings comments were reintroduced last year. While 98% of them are worthwhile and fun, theres that 2% of the psychologically unstable wreaking havoc. Free account names are too easy to obtain with too much power. I'm assuming that name was a free account?

I recieved an email one time from someone who ran amuck in here long ago, explaining the next morning, that he had been inebriated to the gill and had been handing out retribution. He felt horrible and deleted his work and AW ultimately closed his account. I felt understanding in a way, for that fella, those of us who have felt that spark of retribution...The point is that there are those who come on in altered states and those who may be a bit looney taking advantage of the system : )

**We need more options to block out new accounts, accounts with no work in their portfolios and 40 words or more on why a work deserves a 5 or below.

**AW needs a way to track IP's and match to exsisting accounts for trouble makers...

Have a great day : )

Gary Glass 05 Feb 2005

Hi Sher, actually these actions of a few jerks has been happening even before the reintroduction of the ratings of last spring 2004. That was why they were taken off in Dec of 2003. The same sort of thing was happening then as well, of course there were a lot more pseudo personalities having more than one identity than is even going on now.It just seems to be getting more mean spirited. And of course the same arguments have been going on, the same camps pro and against and the same rehashing, that is why you will hear lamenting about this from mark(voa) and L7 they and most of us that have been on here for a while have seen and heard the same thing and it is getting really old.This was also one of the reasons anonumous accounts for a while were not allow to vote. It is a sad state of events that this seems to take up a lot of board time and a lot of good intention artists get slammed by these jerks. But as most will tell you that have been on different boards around the net, there seems to always be some jerks that love to stir up the pot/post....Hopefully AW can come to some amendible format that can curb this or at least minimize it from what it has gotten to today.Maybe your idea Sher might help out. Good Points Stan... sorry to see you,Pat and Rosemary of late being the targets of idiots who seem to have a perversed desire to get entertainment from antagonizing your portfolios.

Patrick Miller 05 Feb 2005

Now there's a plan I can get behind...a very detailed comment for a low rating and IP address monitoring for multiple accounts. No person or group singled out, and still completely fair. If I have a vote...I vote YES!

Richard Delay Sirs 05 Feb 2005

. . .. . . me too I am in favor. All those in favor? Say Aye.

sher richardson 05 Feb 2005

Thankyou Gary for an explaination of the ratings fiasco of before i arrived..i do remember that then there were only 1-5 ratings...

At some point i too get tired of reading the same thing of ratings and mean comments, but as long as new members keep signing on they too be complaining. The older members have to be tolerant of them and their questions. But also keep up the suggestions and appealing to AW to find some solutions.


Alright Parick..yes.!

" 40+ for a 5 or below..."

lets all chant that!!!! : )

Bob MacPherson 05 Feb 2005

I sent in the following suggestion. Of course it has flaws as does everything; but I think it has so many positives, and low cost to impliment, that continueing on our present course is insane.

First off instead of numbers: if you like a picture, give it an approval. Call it: "A Tip of The Hat" if you wish. If you don't like it, simply pass. That way there would be no low marks. Your score would be based on the number of "Tips" you receive.

The threat is favoriteism and clicks. So to offset that -- we can't reveal the sender. Sure we recognize the works, but no back scratching goes on, because we don't know who's scratching.

To maintain good activety. a certain number of comments and votes woul be required of each of us ( based on some sort of formula) within a certain period.

To help newer people, or those of us needing some pointers and encouragement, we could send kind and helpful remarks out as well. No penalties in the form of low points. Just help and encouragement, and rwards to others for good work. As the work improves, so will the number of rewards.

Sounds fair to me. Of course we can debate for ever and stay where we are. That is a choice too.

Renate Dartois 05 Feb 2005

I remember when I first joined I had to rate 25 artists work before my own ratings showed in my statistics so I randomly rated lots of images, of course never low-balled any one. I don't know if this is still that way or if this rule was changed but it probably would be better if the new people just could take their time and be more selective about what ar-work they want to rate-of course there will always be the ones that low-ball because they get away with it.

Patrick Miller 05 Feb 2005

I understand where your idea is coming from Bob and it is not at all bad. But for me personally, I do not mind if the numbers reflect that someone else is better in a medium than I....its just the facts. It's ok to say it I think as well. We all can't be at the same level, it would be boring. This problem is borne of the same root cause as intolerance...education.

It is ok that Sher and Denny are thought of as masters of graphite and I am not. Hell, I share that opinion. We all occupy our "place" in the grand scheme of things, and for the here and now...those are the facts. But our place is not a static thing. We have it all within ourselves to decide where that place will be tomorrow.

With education and a little compassion I believe we can all find peace in our respective places as we move through this roller coaster of life. If my goal were to someday be the best graphite artist, then that is the journey. The comparisons that will be made today only mark this stage of the journey...not the end. Then it suddenly isn't a negative thing anymore...it is merely a benchmark along the path.

Sorry Denny and Sher for using you as examples...especially to Denny cuz he's got guns....I have a chance of dodging a sword........ :)

05 Feb 2005

Bob MacPherson 05 Feb 2005

Thanks folks. Please read it again. There would be no 9's or 8's. No numbers at all. The artist would not know who liked his or her work. That's the key.

The more annonimous approvals you received, the higher your score, rating, whatever. The only number is how many say it;s good, NOT how good they say it is. no losses if someone doesn't like it. How good will depend on how many say yes, annonomously. What could be fairer?

And you have no one to scream at because there are no low votes, and you don't know who loves you.

New people, or whoever needs help, would not suffer, because they too would receive either an approval or a kind supportive suggestion.

We would all receive one or the other of these, no sender disclosure.

Try to visualize folks, before you: "Yeah But". We can get rid of this monster.

Volunteer of America 05 Feb 2005

Actually, (if memory serves), someone went through the entire Top 50, or 100, (or whatever it was) and "bombed" everyone there in order to get their friends and/or relatives into the "Top 10"...as I recall it was New Years Eve of 2004 (getting foggy here...). the rating system was shut down for awhile, shortly thereafter.

Dawn Schmidt 05 Feb 2005

You know, there are a number of sites that make the IP address of a poster public on their postings?

It cuts down on some of the rif raff when they know their IP is public knowledge. So even if they give a fake name, they are traceable.

Andrew Liberto 05 Feb 2005

40+ words for 5 or below.

:: raises his hand and says "aye".

Now that makes some sense.

Judy Olson 05 Feb 2005

I love Bob's suggestion. A tip of the hat to you Bob! I disabled my ratings long ago but am still having trouble rating others. It would make viewing the work of other's fun again, instead of worrying what someone will think if I give them a 9 instead of a 10!.

sher richardson 05 Feb 2005

Bob, i certainly respect your idea.. I think the rating comments system thats in place would be fine and dandy 'IF'(yes the big 'IF') everyone would stop being scared outta their thongs to give a gosh darn number besides a 10...

No matter whats put in place i swear to you, people will study it and find some magical way to beat it...

...and a forty word + on any rating under a 6 (5-1), to give guidence to the artist...

...and an option to not accept free members ratings and just receive comments. Or a ban of a free member to not be allowed to rate for a month or two.. or something! : )

I see such simple solutions to the fun system in place...

stan jones 05 Feb 2005

tip of the hat sounds good Bob

plus your udea is good as well Sher about forty words or more

plus may i add if you give the (1-5)you still get locked out and put in the hands of the moderator then that way you only get to play with one piece of work just a thought

Bob MacPherson 05 Feb 2005

I'm going to be a little uncharacteristically pushie on my idea. If number jumber is what's killing itself and us with it, why do we have to use numbers.

Yes we want to have good clean competative fun. That is exactly what I am proposing. We could still have a Top Ten thing, except the conly numbers used in determination, will be each members total " Here's to you"s or "Tips of the Hat". No bad marks anywhere because there are none to give. Heplful comments or "I like it"; and you don't know the sender. Who is there to get even with? What is there to get even about?

I can think of no way the jackyls can get in. That's better than knowing they can. There is always the chance that idiots figure ways to screw things up, so we go for the least chance.

All those in favor say "supercalafragilistic". Opposed say: "lets just wait and see how angry we can get". Haa!! There a challenging choice now.

This discussion continues on the next page...