81 Comments (Page 3)


I myself do hope this all pans out and we can sell prints on here..I don't know if i would end up selling any of my work or not.But,i would love to have prints of some work i have seen on here.

Jane McIlroy 07 Jun 2005

I think it's a very good idea, and I'd like to participate.

As a suggestion - "When you upload your original artwork, our website would detect the resolution of your image and tell you what sizes of prints that were available for you to sell with that image."

.... Could AW give us some guidance as to the resolution REQUIRED for different sized prints (I'm thinking along the lines of the Cafepress templates method)? That way we'd be able to check the resolution for ourselves.

etty yanai 07 Jun 2005

Sounds great!!!!!!!!!


Fiona Hooper 07 Jun 2005

I would also be very interested in this service (depending on the terms and conditions of course, including safety of the high resolution image files) especially as I too am in the UK and am concerned about the cost of shipping to the US etc. and the risk of having to pay for return carriage should the buyer refuse the work leaving me very much out of pocket.

Christina Toews 07 Jun 2005

Sounds like an interesting development. I would probably purchase prints of my own work for myself! :) I've always wanted to go into prints, but never knew the right way to approach it. This is a great step AW - wishing you the best in making it happen! :)

Steven Torrisi 07 Jun 2005

Maybe the idea would be a lot clearer if you could tell us what kind of photo printers you are interested. I mean are you going to buy professional giclee style machines or the kind anybody could buy in the stores.

Gary Glass 07 Jun 2005

I have dial up service so I do not upload large files. Just takes to long plus I don't make the files /aw viewing prints in my portfolio high enough so that if someone steals it , they can not make too good of a quailty print. So your software auto detecting size for print would not work to well with my prints. I would be possibly willing to send a alternate file for larger prints, if a sale was pending. But I will not just for viewing on the site..

N. Michael Bryant 07 Jun 2005

Sounds like a good idea AW. I'm in. I didn't read all the posts, but would I have to re-scan my images as larger files to have this work for my work?

jennifer blenkinsopp 07 Jun 2005

Excellent Idea.

Pat Abbott 07 Jun 2005

I love the idea. It would also be nice to buy prints of some of my favorite works at AW by other artists.

Bob MacPherson 07 Jun 2005

I have been hoping this would come to AW one day. I will now quit shopping around. I couldn't be happier than to do it all right here at AW. This will truly be a giant step, for this site, hot on the heels of major improvements. It will be unrivaled anywhere. Congratulations BIG TIME AW! How long to get us out the details and to implement?

Last year when we were prepairing for the book, I had a lot of trouble with sizes, resolutions, etc. I now know how to do that. Will we be able to take our images off temporaily for resizing etc ?

Enthusiastically Bob MacPherson

Stephanie Sonju 07 Jun 2005

I'm all about it.

And monthly check would be nice, but any $ is good $ for a starving artist.

Marilyn Servais 08 Jun 2005

a wonderful idea ! i was wondering how to do to send printed works in foreign countries ! great !

Rob Mandell 08 Jun 2005

I hope they dont ship out like the calenders though

Emma Anton 08 Jun 2005

I vote YES!! What a great idea!!

Diana Hume 08 Jun 2005

Looks like we might be our own best customers. I would love reprints of some of the art on this site!

Might be worth it just for that alone!

Bob MacPherson 08 Jun 2005

I love a lot of what I see here too. I think AW will have a market in the membersip itself, each of us of course trying to sell as many as possible; and striving for quality, so as to make them more marketable. It could be win win all round. Lets go Andy!!!!

Katerina Koukiotis 08 Jun 2005

I thought i post my opinion too :)

I wouldn't mind selling prints or originals of my artworks through AW - AW attracts a lot of artlovers and collectors who may be interested, i guess only concerns and questions i have are- if the print accounts will be free or not? and my second question is how fast the uploading system will work? i know from other print services sometimes uploading artworks online for print usuage takes a long time especially if it's a high image size/resolution. Those are the only concerns and questions i have :)

Judy Minderman 08 Jun 2005

Well all sounds good to me but I was wondering how AW would pay out the checks would it be payed by using paypal? Cause as for me, I cannot use paypal as I have no credit card to use paypal and as a non American you have to have a credit card to register with PayPal. Thanks :)

Ellen Brucks 08 Jun 2005

I am not knowledgeable about sizing, quality of my pictures, or whatever it takes but I am sure that will improve as time goes by. It would be very wonderful to have an opportunity like this. Thank You AW