Detroit Michigan: The Waterfront ca. 1890

This is the completed layout of the painting. I may be taking a bit of artistic license with one historical fact. The ferry boat to the right is facing downstream pointing in the direction of the current of the Detroit River. I noticed that all of the ships that landed at the docks along the river did so pointing into the current. This, if it were done would be to use the rivers current to slow the boat as it came into the berths along the river. It enabled the steamers to pull up to the docks under a full power-up capability that gave these steamers more control when landing. I may have trifled with historic fact because the image looks better this way than having the ferry at the right pointing upstream.


Anonymous Guest

linda lindall 24 Aug 2014

Magnificent work, Stanton. Thank you for sharing some Michigan History as I am also from Michigan. :)

Heloisa Castro 15 Jun 2009

great design

Anonymous Guest 15 Jun 2009

Sorry for the typo on your name, Stanton! ~Anneke

Anneke Hut 15 Jun 2009

I do SO agree with Julie! Your drawingskills are incredible, stanton!

Julie Mayser 15 Jun 2009

This is getting "marvelouser and marvelouser"! It is like a cliff-hanger book that you cannot put down! I love seeing the progression of this excellent and complex drawing!!