Detroit Michigan: The Waterfront ca. 1890 Prt.3

This is the third installment. I am adding details to the east side of Woodward Ave. using a picture shot in the opposite direction of this view. A friend of mine to whom I e-mailed the 2nd image thought that the ship was too prominent and dominated the composition too much. I will use detail to soften the presence of the schooner and use detail as camoflage to balance it with the street scenes in the background. The presence of the ship will then frame the street scene both to the right side which will be the dominant part of the painting and to the left side which will frame the street and harbor scene to the left side of the painting. I have loved to create what amountes to paintings with in paintings while having the varied and separate scenes function as a single painting. My, but I really do love my job.


Anonymous Guest

Julie Mayser 08 Jun 2009

It just gets better and better each time I see it!

jamie winter 08 Jun 2009

this is so incredible!

Anneke Hut 08 Jun 2009

I ditto, Emily! :)))

Artist Reply: Thank you Anneke.

Emily Reed 08 Jun 2009


Artist Reply: Thank you Emily.