• Terry Harris
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  • Added 05 Apr 2006
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This was one of my former students. She was a elegant beauty with a beautiful inner beauty to match. So sweet, she could have been a rose. This was done using mostly airbrushes, and pastels, and blended to make it smooth with water as a blending brush. I used my wacom tablet & stylus pen. This was done by hand, not a manipulated photo. Photos were used as references only to be more accurate as I paint. (My memory is not that great, so need some reminders as to eye shape, skin tones, etc.

5 of 16 Comments Show All 16 Comments

Anonymous Guest

tazda lawson 22 Apr 2006

wow.......now thats great......as always your work is great.

Artist Reply: Thank you! I loved the cute outfit she wore for her pose. I thought the sleeves would be tougher, but was able to get it. She was a wonderful subject to do.

Mrs.David Jobes(Dee) Jobes 07 Apr 2006

Gorgeous artwork!!! You are so Very Talented, Terry!!!:)

Artist Reply: Thank you Dee!

Jimmie Mathews 06 Apr 2006

your portraits of your kids are absolutely gorgeous! you really captured her personality. i've done the same with photoshop, just playing around to learn. took me a few years, but then it just all gelled and made sense...

Artist Reply: Thank you Jimmie! I don't have photoshop, but do use Painter Classic and PainterIX. Might get around to Photoshop one day. Would like to learn how to montage some photos, but for now, happy to keep learning how to paint with all the mediums and brushes in the software I have. It would be fun to see if I could get the same effects without all the tedious blending I do now. Still, I'll probably still do it all by hand forportraits, as I find it relaxing and so far, my hands can tolerate the work.
Artist Reply: Thank you Jimmie! I don't have photoshop, but do use Painter Classic and PainterIX. Might get around to Photoshop one day. Would like to learn how to montage some photos, but for now, happy to keep learning how to paint with all the mediums and brushes in the software I have. It would be fun to see if I could get the same effects without all the tedious blending I do now. Still, I'll probably still do it all by hand forportraits, as I find it relaxing and so far, my hands can tolerate the work.

Jerry 05 Apr 2006

Superb portrait, smile brilliant colors and format! Thanks for your support or comments Terry....

Artist Reply: Thank you Jerry! Love your work!

Cathie Brock 05 Apr 2006

Beautiful portrait Terry, love the detail in this...Cath xxx

Artist Reply: Thank you Cath!