• Terry Harris
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  • Added 01 Apr 2006
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Two kittens playing with a broom

Here are tow kittens at play with a broom. I am still learning about all the brushes and blenting tools that are in my Painter IX software that I used to paint this. I used my wacom tablet and pen and played with some new brushes with this one. I am please with the effects, and hope you enjoy the results.

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Anonymous Guest

tazda lawson 01 May 2006

more great photos and effects ........Brill!11

Artist Reply: Thank you! I played around with new brush and blending settings when I painted this work. It made the kittens come out soft, but realistic. I didn't like the rug, but may figure out and redo that part.

natalie wilson 22 Apr 2006

omg sooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!

Artist Reply: Thank you so much Natalie!

Chas Sinklier 13 Apr 2006

This one great cat/kitten pic Terry - lol - they are pills :0)

Artist Reply: Thank you Chas! I love how kittens play and get so crazy at play.

Christine brand 07 Apr 2006

Just like Kitties and so adorable...I love the way you have them posed and the fur is great...It is hard to tell it is not a phto...I love th highlight in the blue eye...Hi! Terry!

Artist Reply: Hello Christine! I love watching kittens at play, so funny. So glad you liked them. Will be trying do do more pets whan I can. Busy lately with lots of work, but in a month or so will be off for summer vacation, and will be painting for days. Will have time to do some canvas as well, and take photo trips.

Analua 02 Apr 2006

Irresistible marvelous work!!!

Artist Reply: tHANK YOU!