• Thaneeya McArdle
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  • Image 9 of 15
  • Added 04 Jan 2006
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This meticulously detailed photorealistic painting depicts the concept of hope as it pertains to fortune and luck. The fortune cookie has been opened, the fortune slip has been read, and one American dollar has been invested in the Florida Lottery. The die is added as a symbol of luck. The I Ching coins represent another type of Asian oracle. There is an interesting overlay of past, present, and future and cause and effect, in which the initial action of opening the fortune cookie is positioned on top of the ensuing action of paying one dollar towards the Lotto. The lottery ticket, which is the result of the first two actions, lays covered at the bottom of the pile, to symbolize unseen and unknown results.


Anonymous Guest

Elizabeth Teed 05 Jan 2006

nice work, well done

Jude 05 Jan 2006

How true and it happened! but not to me...

Emilio B. Campo-Diaz 05 Jan 2006

Excellent work, I like it.

Rhonda Shereck 04 Jan 2006

photo realism....very nice