• Annabel Lee
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  • Added 10 Oct 2003
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Phoenix of the Candlebark

(Botany lesson): Eucalyptus trees (such as the Candlebark) give off oils which actually fuel fire and their bark is so flammable that sometimes, the varieties are nicknamed 'gasoline' trees (which can literally explode!), so they have a part in their own demise. But at the same time, the heat of the fire causes chemical reactions in the trees which cause them to produce new buds, and the Eucalypts regenerate rapidly right after the blaze. Sound familiar? I smell a Phoenix involved... *Evil grin* So then, lets get down to the nitty gritty. ^.^ This is my half of a trade with InstantPhoenix ( I'm sloooooooowly getting my trades done) who asked for a phoenix rising from flames, and as usual I had to wander off the beaten track... ('tis amazing I don't get lost more often ) My tired old pen somehow managed to colour in all the black parts with the help of a marker, and I *really* think I should be getting a new pen for Christmas, don't you? The border was hand drawn, and I thus add borders to my list of " try-not-to-draw-unless-you're-hankering- for-a-mental-breakdown" things, alongside rainbows and chains.... X_X The background also caused me a lot of woe as I found myself so uninspired at one point, so it took two days to fix the darn thing up into what I hope looks like a bushfire...? I've never been in a fire (actually, that may be a good thing... XD) and I haven't had too much practice with fire effects so er... yeah. I hope this worked. ^.^;;; So then, peace all, and search for the Phoenix that lurks around you... 'never know where one might be hiding! *Sits and waits for the bushfires* ¬_¬;;


Anonymous Guest

ArtAblaze 11 Nov 2003

very very VERY COOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!!

cile bailey 13 Oct 2003

good color. Cile

Jodie A 10 Oct 2003

omg WOW that must have taken so long. This is the best piece of work I have seen for ages, hard to beat!! I wont forget this piece!