• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 27 Apr 2006
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Macadamia Nut Encrusted Sushi Grade Tuna

Macadamia Nut Encrusted Sushi Grade Tuna with Maui Onion and Pineapple Marmelade. Recipe, prepared, and styled by Michael Forbus for the Cook book "Parrot Food" copyright by Michael Forbus

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Anonymous Guest

Anonymous Guest 21 Sep 2013

Love the sushi and sashimi even though I am not Japanese. I love tuna and many other seafoods. Have you been to Japan? I passed through a long time ago on the way to South Korea. I think your art is amazing! I studied fine arts in college in New York, but you portfolio is formidable. Much more than mine .It is so inspiring.Thank you for showing it . Your dishes of food look so inviting.Sincerely from NikkiGar.

Anonymous Guest 05 Jun 2009

I believe I remember having a bit of a hand in this too. ;)

Artist Reply: This Anonymous chef and my partner in the food world, was instrumental in working his behind off with this food shoot. He is a marvelous chef and has made me a better man for his friendship. So he needs some credit on this work too, all the food. A great friend and a great chef. Miguel

Terry Harris 26 May 2006

Too beautiful to eat (almost!) LOL! Bravo!

Artist Reply: Terry, I am blushing now, this used to be my other job at one time, food writing and styling, at the time they used their own photographer and that is why, I spend the bank on the equipment and now I do it myself. I cooked, styled, calibrated the recipe, the lights, the effects of the finish and the print, Lots of work. That was a great dish to eat and boy was I glad when it was a wrap. Thank you so much. miguel

Lara Falcone 02 May 2006

Excellent shot and it looks like amazing food too! Great work!

Artist Reply: Lara, thank you for the compliment. I must admit the sushi grade tuna was phenomenal. I was quite busy, cooking, styling and shooting the shots. they were published and I expect a cookbook from the deal. thank you so very much for your kindness. miguel

Nira Dabush 02 May 2006

AMAZING Food styling....great ART,Migel...

Artist Reply: Nira. you are such a good friend. I long to feed your family this food for gratitude. thank you from my heart. Health and happiness to you and your family. miguel