• Michael Forbus
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  • Added 27 Apr 2006
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Jumbo Lump Crab Salsa with Heirloom Tomatos

Jumbo Lump Crab Salsa with Heirloom Home Grown Tomatos and Fresh Hearts of Palm with Plantain Dipping Chip. Recipe, cooked and styled by Michael Forbus for cookbook "Parrot Food" copyright by Michael Forbus

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Chas Sinklier 09 May 2006

Beautiful Miguel - looks good enough to eat.... Once out in LA while at one of the several pre & post parties at the VH1 Honors Awards I discovered an unattended tray at a pub-table covered with dozens of hearts of palms - my companion and I ate them all and didn't even get sick - it's one of my fondest memories of that fun trip - VH1 throws pretty fair parties yeah - your presentation certainly looks lovelier :0)

Artist Reply: Chas, you rogue, how does one get into the VH1 awards. I was able to get in the San Francisco Music awards. Great table and all the drink top shelf, The Grateful Dead, before the demise of Jerry, Carlos, the Pointer Girls and Journey so much great music, but we were not to interested in the buffet if you catch the drift. Long days ago. Thank you for the kindness you always show in you comments. I am writing about the bullets as well, but sorry to say my dear mother has had some severe complications from the bionic knee replacement and I am her caretaker. She is on the mend thank you God, so back to the norm. You should be receiving something from me soon. And I also saw my buddy James Mason, the genius of all things digital, movies, animation, Photoshop for 15 years, all things Adobe and Avid and just a genius and I happened to mention that I needed his guidance. Of course since we have shared much, he was perfectly willing as soon as the summer session, started yesterday, settles in. He is a remarkable editor producer and procurer of college doo-dads and equipment to use. We just spent 450,000 on a new tech center for the college I wrote program for and might teach. So the gear is incrdible and available on a sort of adjunct way. Lots of access. And many sherpas to volunteer work at his beguest. So this is good. Shortly after I met with him, I fired an email off to the President of the College praising him to the heavens and the President responded by saying everyone only complains to him and how he was charmed by a grandiose thank you for the hiring of said genius James Mason. It will be in his box today. So that is good and fortunate progress. He also is able to boss around the program writers for the C++ that will be needed. So onward and upward and I do appreciate your comments on my food. Rather lengthy thank you, what. miguel

Lara Falcone 29 Apr 2006

Im envious, I am seeing so many great shots of food lately, and I love food too. LOL. Great work here!

Artist Reply: Lara, all things made with hands can be art. I am trying more to be like that always. miguel

Marcel LorAnge 29 Apr 2006

Like Sara said a mouth watering photograph my friend and look at the colors hmmmm!

Artist Reply: Marcel, I am so glad you like the photograph. It takes a few shots to make the money shot, Good tequila and lots of mussels. miguel

Sara Deutsch 29 Apr 2006

Makes my mouth water!

Artist Reply: Sara, thank you so much for your kindness, it was a bit delicious. miguel

Maddison Jamison 28 Apr 2006

Oh, so yummy! This looks so scrumptious and healthy Michael. Wonderfully presented and captured image also.

Artist Reply: thank you for your kind comments, Food as art, who would've thought. miguel