• Freya Kirau
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  • Added 13 Jul 2005
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The False Angel

Aiko-ehh....just a random oekaki of my character "Freya",who is basically an angel that fell from heaven-because she did something horrible.Her wings were brutally ripped out,and her memories were taken.All that she remembered was that her name was Freya and that she had done something almost impossibly wretched.She lived on earth for about 7 years-slowly regaining her memories by doing things that would most likely be considered "good".she was redeeming herself.However,on one day she could feel them-her wings which she would never.No,could never regain.(Her "memory of wings" and other things that were and could have been.)She chose to go on a walk-in the middle of the night(in the winter during a slight snowstorm no less) and visit the town's church.Once arriving at said church-she prayed and begged for forgiveness-wanting to make ammends.With a hopeful heart she left the building..minutes after she left,she was attacked by enemies from her past-demonic assassins.Some of the villagers heard the commotion-yet stayed inside.Petrified of what may happen to them if they left the comfort and safety of their homes.She died in the snow-alone,and was never able to regain her wings. o___o; Thats the "I'mma be vague now Mmkay" version of the story.mheh.whatever.no stealies!


Anonymous Guest

Lawrence Hickman 13 Jul 2005

very well done....awsome job

ashok nayak 13 Jul 2005

beautiful work n a nice story is also there.but why the contures are not sharp?is it intensonally or what?

Artist Reply: Aiko- Thanks ^^ and yes,It's intentional xP