• Cibeles Jolivette Gonzalez
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  • Added 24 May 2009
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La Amenaza De Felo Feloche

This work is called "The Threat Of Felo Feloche". When my husband was a small child in the countryside, his mother in order to prevent him from going to the outhouse at night would tell him about a monster called Felo Feloche. The monster would grab children who went out to answer nature's call at night and spank them hard while saying "I'm Felo Feloche all right! Go to the outhouse during the day and not at night!" (!Soy Felo Feloche! ¡Hazlo de día y no de noche!). The work is an illustration for a poem that I did on the theme. I do not know if other people in Puerto Rico know about Felo Feloche, if my husband's mother made it all up, or if her family brought the story with them from Spain. But nevertheless I thought that it is a good folkloric theme just like Juan Bobo or the chupacabra.


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Heloisa Castro 24 May 2009


Artist Reply: Thank you very much! I thought the story was cute when I heard it and that it would make a good image.

Sharon Gonzalez 24 May 2009


Artist Reply: Thank you! I'm glad that you liked it. When I heard the story I knew that I had to do something based on it.