• JMichael Piper
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  • Added 26 Oct 2007
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Haunted House with Fog

*When I was a kid and I remember being at my babysitters house and a few houses up the street was a really scary looking mansion. It 'was' the haunted house on the street. Don't ever remember any stories about it at all...I just remember getting 'dared' to walk into it alone by the other kids that were being baby sat with me. I really was so young it's hard to remember alot about that but that much is true that I remember. Of course over the years I made up so many stories in my head of what could've happened instead. I won't get into that (even though you probably want me to). My stories that I write are usually along the truth and real...but it is halloween I know. I did this house just to remind myself of that old house on the hill when I was a kid. I have drove up that old street and the house isn't there anymore. It's been replaced with a huge apartment complex, oh well. I just did this as I said to remind myself of that old place when I was a young child, hope you like the eerie way it came out. Anyway have a safe and Happy Halloween! ....as usual, just my thoughts. ....John Michael Piper *GO SEE, HEAR AND EXPERIENCE THE HALLOWEEN HOLIDAY AT ARTIMATIONSDESIGNCOMP.COM* At: http://www.artimationsdesigncomp.com/ *Check it out...Then check it out again~ J.M.Piper©2011, All Rights Reserved ArtimationsDesignComp.Com™©2011 John Michael Piper - All Rights Reserved


Anonymous Guest

Jo Glasscock 27 Oct 2007

Well done Johnny...I think all of us had some type of "haunted" house in the neighborhood.... wether it was a grouchy old man or someone like Boo Radley...as children our imagination gets the betterof us......Happy Halloween

Artist Reply: *Hi Jo! Yes I do believe you're right! I think we all had some spooky house that we had those haunted ideas about! That is one of the great things we had as children...our fantastic imaginations! Glad I still have at least half of what I had as a child! lol Take care and have a safe and happy halloween to you and yours!

Jerry 26 Oct 2007

Great water, reflection and picture!

Artist Reply: *Hi Jerry! Thanks so much my friend! Happy Halloween!

Olga van Dijk 26 Oct 2007

GREAT along the truth STORY accompanying this eerie picture Johnnie!

Artist Reply: *Hi Olga! Thanks so much! Yes, but if you knew some of the stories that we made up as kids, they scared the bejeebers outta me, lol! Thanks for the comment! Take care and have a safe and happy halooween!

Emily Reed 26 Oct 2007


Artist Reply: *Hi Emily! Thanks! Brrrr I love your comment! It's an eerie comment that goes so well with the picture! Cool! Thanks so very much! I hope you have a safe and happy halloween!