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Hi everyone. Well..... I thought the only way to get to know other great cartoonist, is to create a group for us all the hang out togeather, I hope some time in the future we can do some cartoons togeather as a joint project, I would also like to know if anyone else here does cartoons for Tarpaulin, I do these in the Philippines for the locals. I am British living in the Philippines, so if there is anyone else here who are interested in getting togeather, just to share idea's then please feel free to join in and have some fun, I started this group to share cartoons with each other, so lets get started and have a laugh, life is too short to be "crying about spilt milk all the time" all are welcome. Yes...... I'm crazy some times, I make friends easily, love to chat to others with the same artistic flow. All the very best to every one here at Artwanted, take care, and remember to enjoy what you do, have fun, all the best from Keith. And the rules are:, must be all about cartoons must have fun polite to all other group members back stabbing (no flaming) 5...Cartoons only shown here 6...You must interact with other members 7...Please no stealing Ideas with out prior permission from the artist 8...step by step tutorials are most welcome 9...critics are very welcome (no harsh flaming) life to the full and keep them comming.

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