Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Daniel Mooney,Andrea Varhol,José Fortunato

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.
27 December, 2016
  • Staff

THEME: Recreate “The Starry Night”

DESCRIPTION: This contest is a little different than others that we have had so far. For this contest, we want you to re-create the famous painting of “The Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh. Using your own creative style and preferred medium, re-create this great artwork (shown above) and submit it for this contest. Thanks to member Jerry Coppo for this art contest idea.

VOTING STARTS: 16-Jan-2016

PRIZES: Everyone that submits an art contest entry wins more exposure to your artwork and kudos from your fellow art friends. The top voted winner of this contest will receive $10 in ArtWanted cash to be used for any product or service on our website.

RULES: Only one entry per person. Only artwork can be submitted for this contest, no photographs please.

HOW TO ENTER: Reply to this message and attach your contest entry image to your message. Your contest entry will be hidden until voting starts. Good luck!


3 Contest Entries

Daniel Mooney 29 Dec 2016

"Looking at these stars suddenly dwarfed my own troubles and all the gravities of terrestrial life. I thought of their unfathomable distance, and the slow inevitable drift of their movements out of the unknown past into the unknown future."

— H. G. Wells Science Fiction Writer

Andrea Varhol 15 Jan 2017

Beautiful theme to get creative!

José Fortunato 05 Jan 2017

Oil on canvas
