Contest Closed: This contest has ended and you can view all the entries below. They are sorted from highest rated to lowest as voted by our members.

Congratulations to our Top 3 Entries: Alan Berkman,Dan Ault,Elena Sokolova

Also, don't forget to visit the portfolio's of these artists by clicking on their name.

27 Contest Entries (Page 2)

Robert McCoy 02 Oct 2020

Oil Painting contest

Miss Timea Gondosch 27 Sep 2020

Hi, I'd like to enter the contest, however I don't really know how you expect the paintings if not in a form of a photo of them... so here's mine pictured

David Benjamin 27 Sep 2020

Thought about for 3 months; completed in 20 minutes.

DULCIE DEE 28 Sep 2020

Here is my "Monsoon Blues" oil painting for the Oil Painting Contest. Hope you like it.

lisandro rodriguez 11 Oct 2020


Clifton DeMeco 03 Oct 2020

Charlotte Berry 05 Oct 2020

My entry TORO TORO ORIGINAL in oil. Thank you.

Charlotte Berry
