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04 October, 2022
  • Vicki Pelham

Latest Comment...

Yes I saw that also Scott! Pretty wonderful that ArtWanted really listens to the artists and responds.

22 September, 2022
  • Vicki Pelham
  • 22 Sep 2022

Original Post: 'Daily Uploads' feed

Has anyone else noticed some of their artwork uploads not showing up in the 'Daily Uploads' feed? When I upload images earlier in the day, they seem to always be in the feed right away. When I upload something in late afternoon or evening, they don't always show up in the 'Daily Uploads' feed, I find that a bit (or a lot) frustrating. Yesterday, five of my uploads did not show up in the feed. Today, so far, I have one upload not showing in the feed. Just curious to know if anyone else has experienced that as well. Is it that a max of 3 image uploads per artist, is all that will show up in the daily feed??? I'm perplexed.....