• Gary Glass
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  • Added 01 Jul 2005
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Black Bear Eating Grass

American Black Bear --Ursus americanus. This medium-sized bear is usually black with a brown muzzle, lacks a shoulder hump(like the Grizzly/Brown Bear), Although black is the predominant color, chocolate,brown,blonde and cinnamon brown color phases are also common, which often results in people confusing them with brown/grizzly bears.Black bears are normally found only in forested areas, but within such habitat they are highly adaptable. They live in both arid and moist forests, from sea level to over 2,000 meters (6,560 feet). Historically, black bears are thought to have stayed away from open habitat because of the risk of predation by brown bears. Black bears are omnivorous and feed on a wide range of foods, depending on what is available. Insects (particularly ants), nuts, berries, acorns, grasses, roots, and other vegetation form the bulk of their diet in most areas. Black bears can also be efficient predators of deer fawns and moose calves. In some areas of coastal British Columbia and Alaska they also feed on spawning salmon. The greatest misconception about black bears is that they are likely to attack people in defense of cubs. They are highly unlikely to do this. Black bear researchers often capture screaming cubs in the presence of bluff-charging mothers with no attacks. Defense of cubs is a grizzly bear trait. About 70 percent of human deaths from grizzly bears are from mothers defending cubs, but black bear mothers have not been known to kill anyone in defense of cubs. But I would not want to test this theory as their is always the first time. Bears can be unpredictable and dangerous. You should always give wildlife respect and distance.

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Anonymous Guest

Greg Vilton 02 Jul 2005

Excellent shot, Gary!

georgia brown 01 Jul 2005

Nice capture Gary!

Les Jobes 01 Jul 2005

Great shot!! We have lots of Black Bears around here too Gary, but their all Canadian... Seems they can't go over the border cause they don't have passports! (teeheehee) just kidding! Excellent photo :o)

Artist Reply: That was cute Les, Mine is chewing on grass waiting for his visa to go through..LOL.. Have a great weekend

Bluemoonshadow 01 Jul 2005

Friendly lookin' guy there, Gary... nice shot, but u did use a long lense right?? ;)

Artist Reply: Yes Blue, I used a Nikon 400mm zoom lens for this shot

Reba McDonald 01 Jul 2005

A great pose Gary.