• Nira Dabush
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  • Added 25 May 2008
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Living Inspiration - Zichron Ya'aakov

Watercolour. 70CM X 100CM. I find zichron Ya'aakov, Israel.. a very inspiring place for me to visit. Every time I visit there, I take photos . In 2001 during a vacation there, I took many photos for my inspiration, as well as sat there , to paint. Since then every now and then, I feel myself inspired to make more artworks inspired by the landscape of Zichron. I made many artworks, in several techniques. This work started in 2001 ( using about 14 photos to build the composition), somehow, I didn't finished it until the last weekend. Usually I prefer to work and finish a work ( 99% - I finish a work ). I so much enjoyed working on it.. As I almost finished it, I felt strong urge to go take photos of these Canna flowers... YET, I remembered that the last time, I was at Zichron, that particular place... I could not reach those Cannas because of rebuilding there. BUT... I SIMPLY HAD TO take photos of Canna yesterday :-) and so, I find the way, to find other Cannas... :-))... And that's just a bit about how inspiration is LIVING And recreating itself inside of ME. For me one field of INSPIRATION, inspired another field of ART. Thanks for viewing, reading and commenting... May we ALL have a delightful day... Love, Nira.

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Anonymous Guest

geoff cooper 28 May 2008

beautiful work Nira.

Malissa Myers 27 May 2008

cool I like your work !!!

Olga van Dijk 27 May 2008

It reminds me of a beautiful and colorful quilt Nira... I can see you're a textile designer in this wonderful WATERCOLOR! Love it!

Artist Reply: Hello Olga...Indeed I am a textile designer as well as a painter... as well as a photographer... artists are different, some choose to make only, or mostly one kind of creation.. I choose to do ALL.. For me, one kind of artistic work inspire the other. What I mean is my paintings will inspire my designs... my photos will inspired my paintings , or my designs... AND.. Here, the painting inspired more photography.. ALL CONNECTED For me. Also in this piece of ART, I chose to use a watercolour paper which has a textural feel of textile. And, even though I don't do quilts myself.. I think paintings definitely can inspire quilt, which is a painting with fabrics, actually. Thanks so very much for the comments.. Enjoy a delightful day,love & light... Nira.

Hui Zhu 27 May 2008

really beautiful....^o^

Artist Reply: Thanks so much dear, Hui.. kind regards, NIRA.

jessica torrant 26 May 2008

Absolutely stunning, Nira!

Artist Reply: Thanks so much dear, Jessica.. kind regards, NIRA.