• Visionary Imagist
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  • Added 13 Jul 2007
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Participating Joyfully in a Sorrowful World

"I lived for hundreds of thousands of years as a mineral and then I died and was reborn as a plant. I lived for hundreds of thousands of years as a plant and then I died and was reborn as an animal. I lived for hundreds of thousands of years as an animal and then I died and was reborn as a human. Whatever have I lost by dying". "Robert Bly"---------------------- The true measure of our lives is not our success but rather our faith. Creator always help me to remember that I am an Easter Sunday pilgrim living in a Good Friday world. And that no matter what may happen to me You will always be by my side. Even if I know nothing about it. You will never leave me to face my troubles alone because You are my Father and I am your child. I need not fear for You are ever with me, until the end of time. visionary imagist "Joey"

5 of 19 Comments Show All 19 Comments

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X-Chel 12 Nov 2009

Wonderfully evocative image (and a very nice blue sky)! May I ask if you used the Borobudur Temple in Java as a reference when you painted?

Artist Reply: Thank you for the nice comments. This was painted from a vision dream that I had.

L.A. Spilsbury 29 Nov 2007

im sending this to art of the day favorites. I just saw your piece Price of oil. It is fantastic!

Artist Reply: L.A.; I do appreciate your enjoying my artwork as i do enjoy yours as well. Thanks for stopping by and sharing with me.
Artist Reply: L.A.; I do appreciate your enjoying my artwork as i do enjoy yours as well. Thanks for stopping by and sharing with me.

jay dawn 08 Aug 2007

you should write a book xxx

Artist Reply: Jay: I am actually doing so, writing a book that is. Your words of encouragement make my job of writing a little easier. Thanks for all your insights. Stop back!! and thanks again.

Sara Deutsch 18 Jul 2007

Exquisitely timely and inspiring imagery and words...

Artist Reply: Sara: I do so appreciate when an fine artist, such as yourself, stops in and takes a peek at my work and comments. I really appreciate you doing so. Please stop back anytime. i value your input. Thanks again!!

Mark Saxton 18 Jul 2007

Great piece. well done.

Artist Reply: Mark: thanks for droppin' in. thanks for the comments!!