• Charles Jones
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  • Image 1137 of 2068
  • Added 23 Apr 2020
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Seems everything starts to droop over time so why not a cloud---and especially a CJ cloud? This is another of the 3 by 3 inches sticky drawings. No insightful social commentary today. That part of my brain is taking the day off. This is more of that Original Jones Art that folks aren't clamoring for in northwest Austin, Texas. Go figure.

1 Comment

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Elton Houck 23 Apr 2020

Nice capture....you are a photographic wizard...It is an artful skill you have in catching your subjects unaware that you are taking their picture...you must have some Cherokee blue in your veins...that "sneak em up on the savage white eyes " is a cultural marvel .I hope our tribes will be at peace and war no more, my red faced brother....

Artist Reply: I think my current 'faces' kick has something to do with social isolation, Elton. I didn't start 'making faces' as one AW artist called it until my so-called retirement kicked in (mid-2018) and I started seeing lots fewer folks on a regular basis. Now I'm seeing fewer still with this lock-down. I've always used my art as sort of a self-help vehicle. If you live with something for decades you develop a knack for interpretation. This is not to say that I didn't do faces before but never so many back-to-back. It's just a theory I'm kicking around. Don't you just love kicking theories, Elton? Thanks for the always interesting and entertaining comments. :)