19 June, 2018
  • Yury Yanin
  • 50 Points
  • 6 Votes Up
  • 2 Votes Down
  • Gathering Votes


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Could not upload a new image right now! In the "drug and drop" mode the tricky electronic thing writes for me "OOPS! I have a trouble", In the "select files" option it doesn't show files in my computer. So I have the only option left - to send images via e-mail. Is that one more set of sanctions against Russia for us to laugh,, dealing with electronic connections? Or may be is the problem in my new computer, or my old stupidity, or my too horrible, politically incorrect image?, Is not all that because of the Rusian hackers and spies again...Is there some nervously paraholic gas this time?

Don't be afraid, I am not that crazy.JOKING certainly... As we say in Rusia "there must be a part of joke in any joke"... must be... may be... For me it well may be that I'd rather write a short e-mail with the attached files to upload, rather then bore public with my silly doubtful jokes and too long posts like this here... Depends on my mood at the moment though... and still...

Should not the staff rather return back the old uploader, which worked perfectly for me?

P.S. by the way the image, which is attached to this note, uploaded perfectly in the old - like manner and this time AW machinery had no trouble to see all files in my computer. I am not against that - my files are not secret If you meet there a nude, let me know though...

P.S.S. Not so easy though... the first attempt to upload this post with the attached file failed. I m beginning to believe in some mystic power of that image... Trying again....



Yury Yanin 24 Jun 2018

OOOOOPPPPSSSS!!!!! After the 3d atempt I gave up my uploading effords and was sure that all my post together with the attached file will never appear here. Haven't even looked into here almost for a week.I was shocked to see all that here! What shell I do now? May they reject me a USA visa because of my unprudent jokes? Well... do I need a USA visa? No, not really..., but the company of the Russian people, who are banned from coming to USA by the current USA authorities, seems very solid and prestigious for me, I could be proud to be one of them... I've heard that the USA needs those people much more then they need USA. Do you think that they feel as if they miss something that they do not need now?

OK I should stop this manner of jokes before someone feels offended.Just wanted to say that the uoloader may fail, but the good news are that the AW staf is effective!!! Thank you staff!

P.S. The attached image means that I am pleasantly surprised.

ArtWanted.com Staff 07 Dec 2018

Yuri - You mentioned a while back that you had problems uploading large images to ArtWanted. We are working on a new uploader that supports much larger images, and we would like you to try it and let us know your feedback. This uploader is not live to the rest of the website yet, so here is the private link for you to try:


Ivo Depauw 13 Jan 2019

Meanwhile AW build his new uploader maybe try to convert your image to a JPEG file 200 dpi, the result is valid. Altough I know that everybody like to upload as neat as possible.

Ranefox 23 Mar 2019

I am currently having a problem with uploading images. I can frag & drop, or select from file. The link is visible, press the upload button, and the approval fron zero (0) images appears above my portfolio. The image does not appear.

ArtWanted.com Staff 23 Mar 2019

Ranefox, we have just sent you an e-mail with some tips that may help you with the upload process.
