






Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Well as I'm sure is the case with most of the artists on this site, I have had a love for art about as far back as I can remember. I started out with comic book drawings as result of my being a HUGE Superman fan. As a child, I wanted to work for DC Comics as a lead penciller on one of the Superman titles, however this began to change as I got older. I still worked with comic illustration regularly (from trying to create my own superhero characters to trying to write a comic storyline built around various DC superheroes), but I began to relate more to real life subject matter. When Frank Sinatra passed away in 1998 I began to get into his music and as a result began doing pencil sketches of both he and the other members of the Rat Pack. I also began to consider the idea of religious depictions as well. I was raised Roman Catholic but I sort of had to grow into my faith as I got older. Somewhere around Christmas of 2000 I began to take an interest at trying my hand at working with oils. After getting my hands on an easle, some brushes and a few pieces of canvas I began to focus primarily on this new medium. In my senior year of high school I had to do a report, of sorts, on an artist of my choosing. Having chosen Norman Rockwell, I decided as result of extensively reviewing his works, that fine art and more specifically, realism was the way I wanted to go. I had intended to major in fine arts in college, unfortunately college was interupted with the passing of my father. I decided to prioritize; the home that I own has been in my family since it was built in 1949, and I was determined to keep it that way. This meant that an art career would have to take a back seat, at least temporarily.

I have managed to stabilze things somewhat since that time and have decided that I wish to give being some sort of an artist another try. A great deal of that stems from my father's desire to see me do something worthwhile with this ability that God gave me. I don't like referring to myself as an artist. I don't care much for empty titles as it only leaves room for inflated pride. All I know is that painting is something that I have to do in one form or another, kind of like breathing, and that I want to say something to the world through painting. Just what that something is, well, it's a continually evolving process, but hopefully somewhere in the world someone will get some amount of enjoyment out of my work.

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