





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

In spite of the lean times, the frustration experienced in learning my craft, and dealing with the fine arts worlds' lowly opion of illustrators, I feel very fortunate that I always been able to do the only thing to which I ever aspired.

Like many others on this site, I am self taught. On the one hand I say that with some pride, but on the other hand I now realize that my stubborn refusal to study art formally probably cost me fifteen to twenty years of struggle and experimentation that could have been avoided. To all of you who paint, sculpt, draw or photograph because you are driven to do so (and that is what makes a true artist) and are not able to express yourself as well as you like: GO TO SCHOOL! Even if you are old as dirt. Even if you can't afford it! Even if it disrupts your life! Even if everyone else thinks your crazy! There are people and schools that can set your spirit free.

To any of you making your living as a "commercial" artist while wishing that you could be a "fine" artist: take a look at the people you know who call themselves artist, but have a day job as a welder or accountant or whatever. They are really just welders or accountants or whatever wishing they were artist. You are. That's what you do day in and day out, and you get paid to do it. You can use it as a way to hone your skills, tax your creativity and feed your need. Nearly all of those we today regard as the great masters were the commercial artist of their day.

I enjoy what I do. My greatest sense of accomplishment comes when others enjoy it as well.

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