






Artist Bio

I lived in California for a number of years but originally from Pensacola, FL. While in California, I lived in Bakersfield and enjoyed traveling around a lot. During high school, I would travel around the mountains nearby with friends or by myself. I started at Bakersfield College and fell in love with photography. I started traveling more often and taking pictures. I moved to the bay area in northern California to go to school to gain more knowledge of photography and graphic design.

During the college years, I took a lot of different art classes and design classes. I learn a lot of the fundamentals of design and color to help with my photography and graphic design work.

Nature photography has been of great interest to me since the early 1990's. I started out taking classes at a junior college in California and now it has turned into a hobby and passion. I love to travel and take pictures everywhere I go. The style, picture quality, and medium of my photography has expanded over the years.

I enjoy the outdoors and exploring what nature has to offer then capturing a moment in time. Wherever I go, I am always watching for subject matter and composition. I look for deep rich colors in different subject settings. My instincts dictate what subject matter I choose to use for black and white images. I enjoy exploring different areas of photography in an effort to expand my artwork.

The past few years I have been concentrating on photo montages and traveling around and looking for old cemeteries and barns. Most of the barns and old cemeteries have a strong sense of character and history to them. I look for the right lighting and weather conditions to take the picture or pictures if planning a photo montage.

Thanks for visiting my website and follow me on Facebook and Flickr for current projects and images.

Artist Highlights