





Artist Bio

Charles E. Howard (The artist signs his work C Howard.) Mr. Howard was stationed in Washington D.C. with the Marines for several months during the late 1950s. It was during this period of time he became most interested in watercolors. The D.C. area had a number of excellent painters showing their work and competing in shows. He states,"My watercolors were miserable at first, but I produced at least one or two a week for several months and they began to improve. Today, about 50% of my work is executed in watercolor and 40% using acrylic with the remaining 10% in oil, so you can see that I prefer to work with the water base colors. However, almost all of my commissions have been accomplished using acrylic or oil". "My interest in the visual arts began while in school when I realized that my ability to draw was somewhat above average. Though my parents were far from wealthy, they managed to provide private art lessons which came in the form of pastel tutorage from an elderly local artist who managed to put more of her skill and ability onto the sheet I supposedly was working than I did. Mom thought I was a genius." "In high school and again at Oklahoma Bastist University, I managed to keep my grades from falling too low by utilizing my drawing skills in such endeavors as illustrated lab notes and various other reports. My major was in Science/Education with minors in art and psychology." "What all this means is that I had a certain inborn ability to draw from the beginning," Howard says. Upon release from active duty as a Marine officer, Howard worked for a large architectural firm in Los Angeles and later started his own business creating architectural renderings. After teaching art to students ranging from 6th grade up through university graduate level for 15 years, he accepted a job with a California based oil company as the head of audio/visual production building training materials, 16mm films, and lots of 35mm slides as well as film animation. But, Mr. Howard had long desired to have his own business so he founded Howard Visual Productions, an advertising firm in Ventura,California and operated it for 15 years along with his family before moving back to his home state, Oklahoma, and work as an independent graphic artist/designer. Today he resides in southwest Idaho not far from the Oregon border where he has a fine art studio and produces both abstract and realistic art, some of which you can observe in his portfolio on this site. He has other sites on the Web including and Additionally, Mr. Howard writes eBooks on art and publishes them on the www.

Artist Highlights