






Artist Bio

I have been interested in Freemasonry most all of my life as far back as I can remember. My family and I were on the six-month journey across the United States in 1976 for the Bicentennial. We made this trek in a covered wagon along with many other wagons and I rode a mule next to my folk's wagon. I was 7 years old. On this trip we went through many towns and cities, all of which featured a sign at the city limits announcing the presence of a Masonic Lodge (with the classic square and compass emblem). I must have seen that symbol hundreds of times. This peaked my interest in Freemasonry at a very young age and that interest never really died. I finally was initiated in 1998 and passed the following year and was raised shortly thereafter, followed by much officer work and so forth... After I was initiated, I embarked on a study of the hidden or "esoteric" elements of the Craft and it's history, it is a passion for me and one that still occupies much of my time to this day.

The idea to begin creating artwork was sort of a fluke, as I found myself trying to re-create some old Egyptian glyphs in the form of tarot cards from a book called "An Egyptian Initiation" which was written around the year 300 by the Neo-Platonist Iamblichus. This was a significant undertaking, especially for someone like myself who, until trying to do this, had almost no artistic experience at all. Some years later, Jo Ann (the creator of this website and my fiance) suggested to me that I begin painting full-sized paintings and much to my surprise, it seemed to come naturally, as long as I was painting topics that were in the esoteric realm. I found that topics that were related to Freemasonry in particular were easier for me to move forward with at a reasonable pace. This is when Jo Ann suggested that I create paintings of those beautiful 18th century Masonic aprons. This allows me to incorporate the Sacred Geometry as w ell as the ancient mystical and allegorical symbols of Freemasonry. The products speak for themselves, but I have listed summery explanations of the symbols and their meaning in context with the other symbols for each painting. They are summary explanations because one could clearly write pages and pages about each individual symbol and I just loathe long winded explanations (both writing them and reading them) so it is my hope that if a specific symbol is interesting to you that you use the keywords and Google them at your leisure. That being said, I hope you find my paintings interesting and perhaps even attractive enough to inquire about...

Artist Highlights