





Artist Bio

Self Portrait

Hailing from Columbus, Ohio, I have two degrees: a Bachelor of Arts in Art (painting); Arts and Humanities minor from Defiance College, Defiance, OH (2006) and a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Art (painting); Art History minor and a foreign language concentration (German) from Minot State University, Minot, ND (2012).

My time at Defiance College was more a focus on my painting skills and techniques; where I felt comfortable as an artist and what materials could get me there. It was a great setting for me to find what I wanted to do.

My work grew during the years at Minot State University to include a blending of traditional (2D) and installation/sculptural art. This led to my BFA thesis project called (Dis) Illusioned in which I wanted my audience to experience my work, not just see it. MSU was certainly the place for me to see how far I could push boundaries. Since having graduated, I have come to a point in my career as an artist, where I see now where I'm supposed to be - my art being a beautiful, smart blending of visual and psychological concepts used in the haunted industry and fine art. Art that is made to be experienced and interacted with; not just seen.

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