





Artist Bio

i started drawing before i went to school. i had coloring books and i copied illustrations from comic books. by the time i was in high school i learned to play guitar, i was processing pictures in my father's dark room, and i tried my hand at watercolor. i dreamed i could take up fine arts or become an architect someday.

i took up accountancy in order to be able to work while in college, took the licensure exams in 1976, and passed. i worked in a bank, married, and had a family. the computer was introduced into our workplace in 1983; i was an internal auditor, and i was among the first to be trained on it. i never considered drawing and photography during this time aside from making notes on great pictures on national geographic and life magazine.

my first home computer came in 1998 and during this time i was starting to write songs. i had retired from the bank that year, i was on-line and i researched on midi and sound processing. my first album came out three years later. i took on three more jobs and finally retired in 2006, a year after my wife's death.

i'm 55 years old now with one child who is working. i live in the country and i began shooting sunsets in september 2008. then i researched on image processing. i am more inclined to imagery than photography in the technical sense. i started uploading my images to flickr, got some good reviews, and began pondering if i could sell my sunset images. on february 18 2010 i opened a free account with

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