





Artist Bio

My name is Heather as you have probably gathered by now. The first time I discovered an interest in photography was the summer after seventh grade. I was in Hawaii with friends and we visited many beaches there. One day we visited this particular beach. We all spent the time taking pictures and enjoying the sunset before us. It was when we were leaving that magic ignited for me. As we were heading toward our rented car, I decided to take one last look at the beach now behind me. In doing so, I saw the most beautiful sunset with palmtrees in the foreground, creating what I later learned is called the backlighting affect. With one of my cheap disposible cameras that I took on the trip, I was able to capture a rainbow of pastels glowing behind the palm trees. It was at that moment that photography became a passion of mine. And that first picture that sparked the hobby was later titled 'Intuition,' for I felt I had a sixth sense, or "intuition" to look behind me and capture one of the most beautiful scenes I have seen to date.

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