





Artist Bio

Am a holder of a GEC certificate, a diploma certificate in metallurgy acquired from the Copperbelt University Diploma in System Analysis, Programming and a certificate in business entrepreneurship.


Have had a passion for art for as long as I can remember. Though art was not taught at my primary level I practiced it on my on until I went to secondary school. Here I had the opportunity to enter an art class and I was taught drawing, painting and crafts.

I enrolled at the Copperbelt University and graduated in 1998.Sine then I have been a full time artist as I could not subdue the desire to be who I am - an artist.


I am a member of visual arts council of Zambia. Through this organization I have been able to participate in several exhibitions and workshops. I have also done a few commissions for companies.

1998 2000: Exhibited my first human size artwork along with other small Animal sculptures at the Zambia International Trade Fair in Ndola. This international fair happens every year.

Attended a contemporary painting and drawing workshop under the academy without borders.

2001 2002: I worked in partnership with a local businessman who deals in outdoor advertisement and I sculpted four (4) human sculptures depicting our culture and tradition. We erected these in a public Place with a view to promote and educate the community but brought controversy and were vandalized. After a public outcry we erect new sculptures which were bigger and better in terms of meaning, design and technique. These were Accepted and are today standing at the roundabout in Ndola, Copperbelt province.

In this same period I attended a contemporary photography workshop under the academy without walls which was proceeded by an exhibition.

2003: I attended a contemporary sculpture installation under the Academy without walls. Later I attended an international workshop, Insaka workshop , in Siavonga, Zambia.

2003-2004: I attended a photography workshop of the academy without walls. This workshop covered photography as a fine art tool and involved taking shots, developing and printing the picture in the darkroom.

2005: I was commissioned by Zambia National Tourist Board to make two (2) concrete sculptures of David Livingstone. One stands metres in height and the other 4 metres in height. These are placed at the Livingstone Musuem and Victoria falls in Livingstone town. In June I was commissioned by Lusaka National Museum to make sculptures for a village set-up. This village depicts the Zambian village life in the pre-colonial period. The sculptures are in paper mashe´.

2006-2007: I took part in a group exhibition at the British High Commissioners resident on the Queen s birthday, and consequently at the American hall.

2008-2009: I was commissioned to make 2.5 mts sculptures of Suse and Chuma, two guides who assisted Dr. David Livingstone during his exploration of Central Africa. The artworks were done in concrete. Later I was again commissioned to make another sculpture of Dr. David Livingstone to acompane Suse and Chuma statues. This set is currently erected at Livingstone Airport.


I have a preference for realistic sculptures to abstract work and I also prefer large-scale sculptures suitable for publicity. The message I try to express in my works is selfpreservation, appreciation and promotion of African tradition and culture. I try to remind people about our good family values, where we came from and where we are going.

Most of my works are done in concrete reinforced with steel bars as most of my works are displayed outdoor. The rest of the works have done are in sandstone and marble. The knowledge of metallurgy has also enabled me to manipulate metal as I do my metal scuptures. I can also work with wood.

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