





Artist Bio

Hi. My name is Trish Gaunt, and I am a 29 year old freelance photographer. If you'd like to see more of my photography, check out my online gallery. You can also purchase 12"x8" prints of some photos from that site.

My education in photography was traditional, but I moved into digital photography in 2002 when given a beautiful new digital camera by my husband :)

My love of photography was given to me by my father, who was continually snapping away for his job: a surveyor and estate agent. After a few years of borrowing his camera, he bought me my own camera and spent many hours teaching, helping and advising me. He also sent me on a photography course when I was thirteen years old, and from then on my mind was set.

I blame it on the chemicals I was using in the dark room. That, or the fact that my teacher left me alone in the dark room, and I ended up creating my own brand of art by exposing photo paper through my hands, bottles, glasses, and any other random object I could find there.

I started working in Marketing after University, and used my photography skills quite a bit in my day jobs. These days, my photographs have been used in a few e-zines, magazines and in local newspapers.

A number of heritage websites and organisations will also shortly be using my photographs for their promotional literature and websites.

More recently, more and more of my photography is being used for a variety of Stock Photography sites.

And this is only the beginning :)

Artist Highlights