29 May, 2003
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

20,000 More Images for PrintsWanted.com!

We just wanted to let everyone know that we have added 20,000 new images to PrintsWanted.com in the last few weeks. This brings our total number of posters/prints on the website to over 85,000!

We will be adding more 'popular searches' and the 'Top 25 Prints' list next week. Check out www.PrintsWanted.com for all the fun.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions for the website.


1 Comment

ArtWanted.com Staff 03 Sep 2003

The problem is that all of the prints from PrintsWanted.com are on hand and shipped from the same location in one tube. All payments go to one company and the fullfillment is all done by one company. By opening it up to individual artists would prove to be total chaos to coordinate shipping times, quality standards and a central payment system.

This is why we have both PrintsWanted.com and ArtWanted.com, so that if you are an artist, you can sell on artwanted. If you are a publisher, then you can work with PrintsWanted.com

You ask why an artist would be interested in PrintsWanted? Well, there are 95,000 reasons...the posters. Every artist is usually inspired by a master, and probabaly can't afford an original paiting. Therefore you can go to printwanted for prints of Ansel Adams, Monet, M.C. Escher, Michelangelo , Norman Rockwell , Picasso , Renoir , Rembrandt , Salvador Dali , Van Gogh and hundreds others. Plus there are movie posters and any other poster that can be framed and put in the home of an artist. Also, it's a great place for gifts for friends. It's a great place for anyone that is interested in art, especailly artists.
