24 October, 2004
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

Charity Art Sale Details

It has been suggested that ArtWanted.com help facilitate a holiday artwork auction/sale. We are happy to do this using the ArtWanted.com portal and hope to bring additional exposure to this great cause.

Artists on our site are welcome to participate and donate a piece of their artwork for sale. Art buyers will surf this special area of our website next month and buy or bid on the artwork available. All proceeds will be given to the 'Make a Wish' foundation in December.

You are welcome to sell original artwork or prints and you set the starting price.

We expect to have the programming completed around Nov. 1st so that you can determine the artwork & price for this charity sale. We expect to have the artwork ready for display around Nov 15th, but this is not yet set in stone.

The only question we have for everyone is this...Should this be an art auction or an art sale?

If it's an AUCTION, buyers will bid against each other for a set time and the highest bidder wins. This normally will drive the price higher for the most wanted artwork that is for sale.

If it's an ART SALE, buyers will purchase the artwork they like and that piece will no longer be for sale on the website.

Please post your replies below and let us know if you would prefer an AUCTION or ART SALE, so that we can get going on the programming needed.

As the artist, if one of your pieces sells, you will need to ship out your artwork within a few days to the buyer. All money generated for the art sale will be donated for charity. We will provide the complete details of all sales for all participating members in this charity sale.

We think that this is a great opportunity for us to give to those that are less fortunate than ourselves.

If you have any questions or comments, please post them in a reply. More updates coming soon. Thanks.


1 Comment

ArtWanted.com Staff 30 Oct 2004

Yes, I'm sure we can generate a tax receipt for you if your artwork is sold.
