23 February, 2017
  • ArtWanted.com Staff
  • 1 Comment

ArtWanted is now on Instagram

Instagram is an amazing visual platform for artists and photographers. In fact, over 95 million images are uploaded/shared on Instagram EVERY DAY!

With it's huge audience, we suggest that every member of ArtWanted should also have an account on Instagram to gain exposure, share their creative works and get hits back to their main portfolio.

This week we added Instagram to the list of social media sites that ArtWanted is posting to. Each day we will be selecting artwork from our members to share with our Instagram followers.

You can also increase your chances of being featured on our Instagram page by adding your Instagram username to your social media settings if you have not already done so.

If you are already using Instagram, search for "ArtWantedcom” and start to follow us!

PS - Within the next few weeks, watch for an upcoming blog post on how you can become more successful through Instagram. If you don't already have an Instagram account, now is the time to get one.


1 Comment

Paul Weiner 28 Dec 2017

Since Instagram is so popular it makes sense to have a connection with the social media.
