07 February, 2017
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

New Page: Browse Artist Portfolios

We have just added a new area to our BROWSE artwork section of the website titled: ARTIST PORTFOLIOS

This new page showcases the portfolios of ALL ArtWanted members, starting with the latest member to join the website. You can enjoy browsing each page of the new portfolios, or you can search for a specific first or last name to locate that artist.

If you have uploaded a SELF-PORTRAIT image of yourself, then that will be the image that is displayed in the artist results. Otherwise, your latest upload will display on this page. Both images will link to your main portfolio when clicked. We also display the home country of the artist and the date they joined ArtWanted.

There are many ways to get to this page page as you surf ArtWanted, including:

a) The top navigation menu under Browse...Artist Portfolios
b) The "More Artists" link on the main Browse page
c) The "More Artists" link that shows up when searching images

We invite you to browse this new page and search for your own name to see how it works.

This is just one more way people (and search engines) can find your ArtWanted portfolio. If you have any suggestions for this new page, please reply to this post or share them on the Idea Board.

View Now: www.ArtWanted.com/Browse/Artists



Valora Abbett 07 Feb 2017

Awesome! Thank you.

Ivy Brown 27 Nov 2017

https://www.facebook.com/IvyBrown53/ my Facebook page. like and share please
