11 June, 2016
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

New Message Board Date Filter

We have had several members suggest a way to filter the message board posts by date, so they can visit the message boards and only view the new posts on a given date.

We have just added a new feature to the main community/message board page that filters the message posts by date. You can now click on any date in the visual timeline and it will show only the posts that were created on that specific. The timeline goes back 3 months from the current date. Enjoy!



Anneke Hut 12 Jun 2016

It's really great to see that you are listening to the members' suggestions so well! Thank you very much!

ArtWanted.com Staff 17 Jun 2016

Thanks Anneke. Yes, we are really looking for feedback and are making changes to our site with the feedback we are getting. Thanks for noticing!
