23 July, 2012

water color

Please give me your valuable comment



Marty Yokawonis 25 Jul 2012

went to your portfolio and it seems you enjoy both trees and watercolor. Your works have a very graphic feel to them. I would guess you enjoy drawing a lot Ali. Might I offer a suggestion (not a criticism)?

One of the best ways to tie elements together in watercolor is the basic wash technique. You have much drama in your use of gestural line and it's very nice but there's not a lot of wash tie-ins so the gestural lines are very dominating.

Ruth Seal 25 Jul 2012

Your limited palette is very effective. It has a light airy feeling. I agree with the above poster on the wash.

Gail Caduff-Nash 25 Jul 2012

I really like it. Very "Eloise" of you. You almost lost the balance by having the reds so far out by the edges. But I envy the delightful lines - very free. My eye keeps landing on the center, and there's nothing really there. Another bright spot of color wouldn't hurt.

Nikita S 08 Aug 2016

This painting looks a little bit like one of those paintings from the Far East. I like the soft colors.
