05 March, 2012
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

More Featured Artwork on our Facebook Page

ArtWanted.com is always looking for ways to bring more exposure to the artists and artwork on our website. A recent poll on our Facebook page showed that almost all of our Facebook fans would like to see more artwork posted to the ArtWanted.com Facebook Page from our members. In response to this overwhelming request, we are going to start promoting more artwork and photographs on our Facebook page throughout each week. This will be in addition to the daily featured artwork we have already been doing for months.

The artwork that we feature on Facebook will be hand selected by our staff, but you can influence our choices by the images you comment on and add to your favorites. To qualify for this additional exposure, you must at least have a Facebook page and have that linked to your ArtWanted.com portfolio from our social media sites page. This makes sure that only members that use Facebook will get the chance to have their artwork featured on our Facebook page.

Studies have shown that photos/artwork uploaded directly to Facebook receive much more exposure/views than links. Because of this, we will be posting a watermarked low-resolution version of the artwork that we feature to give our artists maximum exposure. The watermark will include the artist's name and portfolio website address. We will also include the title, artist name and link to their ArtWanted.com portfolio in the comments for every image that we highlight. We will also notify the artist via e-mail on the day we feature their artwork.

If you DO NOT want to have your artwork featured on our Facebook page, we have created setting on our social media links page, so you can opt-out of this additional exposure. Again, if you don’t have a Facebook page linked to your portfolio, you don’t need to opt-out, because this will only be an option for artists with a Facebook page. If you artwork is featured on our Facebook page, and you don’t want it there, just let us know and we can remove it.

We are excited about this new option to bring more exposure to the artists found on our site and hope all our Facebook fans enjoy the new selection of art they will be seeing each day. Enjoy!

PS - If you are not already a fan of our Facebook page, visit: www.Facebook.com/ArtWanted and LIKE us!



Richard Beckstrand 06 Mar 2012


This is a wonderful feature to get my work exposed to the on'line public and perhaps bring customers my way! Thanks Artwanted!

ArtWanted.com Staff 07 Mar 2012

Thanks, we feel the same way. The images that have been featured over the last few days are already seeing a large number of likes/comments and hits to their ArtWanted.com portfolios.

Wanda Edwards 12 Mar 2012

thank you for featuring my artwork today!

ArtWanted.com Staff 13 Mar 2012

Congrats again.

Lina U 22 Mar 2012

Very good idea. Definetly I am interested in this opportunity :) Good luck to all!

Steve Farr 22 Mar 2012

This is an EXCELLENT way to bring traffic to our members!! Many Thanks!! ~S

Conny VanDijk 10 Jan 2013

Mark Kokopelli Watkins, Artist 07 Jul 2016

Dear Artwanted.com Staff:

Yes! Please post my artwork on the Artwanted.com Facebook page! It will be much appreciated and I have over 1,800 followers, many of whom are colleagues!

Most sincerely yours, Mark Kokopelli Watkins

Emilia Misiura 29 May 2017

The reply I get is below

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