31 December, 2005
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

New ArtWanted.com Updates

Here are a few new updates that we completed for ArtWanted.com this week...


When you click on the 'reply' link on your image comments and post a reply to the member that gave you feedback, you now have an option to e-mail your reply to them. The e-mail will include your reply, their original comment and a link back to your portfolio image.


It has been suggested that we limit the number of uploads for our Premium Members, because many people didn't like seeing dozens of artwork from the same artist on the 'Daily Uploads' page. We don't like the idea of limiting our paying members, so instead we have changed how our daily upload page works.

Starting today, only the first 3 images you upload will show up on the 'daily upload' page. If you upload more than three images, they will still be put in your portfolio and in our image search areas, but just not on the 'new daily artwork' page.

As a side note, our statistics have proven that artists get more hits & comments if they only upload 1 image per day, instead of a handful of new images on the same day. If you are looking for more hits, exposure and artwork feedback, we recommend you only post one new image each day.


We have also made a slight change to the Top Ten reports that had been requested by many of you. We changed the reports so that the same artist can only show up once per page. This change was done to allow more artists to be included into our Top Ten reports.

For example, if you had artwork that would have fallen in the #2 and the #7 position on a specific report, only your #2 position will show and the #7 position will be given to another artist that will get bumped up from the bottom of the list.

We also fixed a bug that was including artwork that was posted today on the reports for yesterday's numbers.


The print program was taken offline in mid-December, but it's now back up and running again. You can upload new artwork directly into the print program, or you can go to the EDIT IMAGE page and attach a high-resolution print file to artwork you have previously uploaded. Each day we see an increase in the print sales from our members. For more information on the print program, visit:



For those of you that haven't been to the website in the last few weeks, you will now notice a bunch of new changes we did in mid-December. This list of changes include: Greatly improved surfing speed, a new main menu bar, removal of the default blue background, improved navigation in the members area, improved artist search, many more spots on our site for random images, improved shopping cart, a new help/support section and many other improvements.


We hope you enjoy these new changes, but we are just getting started! We have a great year planned for ArtWanted.com in 2006. We have many new changes that will be done in January and all throughout the year. Please continue to give us your suggestions on how we can improve the site. You will be amazed at how many suggestions we receive turn into reality.

Happy New Year!
