12 February, 2005
  • ArtWanted.com Staff

Favorite Images?

We are wondering if our members would like an 'add to favorites' feature that you can apply to any image on our site.

This new function would allow you to save any of your favorite images that you really like on our site and be able to look them up at anytime in your members area.

This would be different than our 'ArtWatch' feature, because the ArtWatch bookmarks artists, not specific images. It also e-mails you when new images are posted, which the 'favorite images' function would not.

Let us know if you would like us to build something like this, or if the ArtWatch is all that you really need. Thanks.



David Díez 12 Feb 2005

I bet you have been around DeviantArt lately...

ArtWanted.com Staff 12 Feb 2005

Nope, just sounded like a fun idea. :-)

Steph Salt 12 Feb 2005

Strange, I also thought Deviant Art when I saw this proposal?

It's not a bad idea Andi but don't you think too many additions like that will make AW as unweildy as Deviant Art?

That site is far too complicated for it's own good!

Steph Salt 12 Feb 2005

Whoops! LOL!

RQ Trietsch 12 Feb 2005

I thought that was just right click away?

Gayla Drummond 12 Feb 2005

It does sound like a fun idea, but wouldn't that add to the site's burden on disk space?

Sarah-Lynn Brown 12 Feb 2005

Don't eat the little red peppers....hot!

Nina Kuriloff 12 Feb 2005

I like the idea of potential buyers being able to have a "favorites" list.

I don't know if it's a great idea for artists to have a "favorites" list.


Gary Glass 12 Feb 2005

I'd like to have a button to delete idiots with no work in their portfolio that seem to love to slam other artists work.. Hint Hint..Be a nice way to past the time away..LOL

joan warburton 12 Feb 2005

LOL, great idea, Gary!

Maggi Carstairs 13 Feb 2005

Its a great idea as this way we can have out 'favourites' from other artists and collect the ones we do like. I know when I went looking for the dog Cliff fixed for me..and for the horses Christine was doing that I wanted to show a student, they took a while to find. This would mean I can collect the images need and save them somewhere. Its a great idea and a generous offer AW. Thanks.I would use and appreciate the service.
